

Krystal was resourceful, she just kept on approaching things from a completely different angle than the rest of Clone Club.

I love Madisynn as a character in She-Hulk - but I wouldn’t want to get within five miles of her in real life. The “joy” that comes from being drunk is an illusion that isn’t shared by sober people.

She’s a Jean Ralphio. By all rights, she should be intolerable, but by some miraculous synergy of casting, writing, and chemistry, she manages to be just on the right side of endearing in her intolerableness.

This is exactly the role June Diane Raphael would have played a decade ago and the reaction is the same:

I remember having to sit down with both of my kids and actually diagram out how a joke works. It was like a writer’s room in a psychiatric ward.

For Hamm I have three words for you ‘live action Archer’.

If there’s anything I know by now, it’s that people are totally capable of understanding they’re watching fiction and still develop an understanding of reality based on that fiction.

Not to mention the relentless, pompous Sorkin-ocity of Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, which was trounced by the authenticity & wit of 30 Rock, which brings us back to the article.

This a thoughtful response and I deeply regret my only reply is, “Gilbert and Sullivan.” But here we are.

It was definitely Peak Sorkin Sorkining While Smelling His Own Farts, but that said I remember liking it decently enough.  And I really liked Matthew Perry and Bradley Whitford playing off each other.

You know Phoebe sold drugs

This happens all the time. Writers add this stupid dialog for the audience. I call it “techsplaining”

i liked how they re-did those scenes with animated ruffalo in what if.

she traveled to several states and swabbed the equipment for samples, then sent it off to a lab with her own money. The result? Nearly all the areas she sampled were filled with some kind of bacteria”

Understanding that reference made me realize I’m old enough to have a Midlife Crisis.

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I’ve always loved that, at the peak of his career, he decided, “I can do anything I want so I’m going to pursue my other career as a bluegrass musician” and is now one of the top half-dozen banjoists in the world. Kind of like Jim Carrey becoming a genuinely good visual artist.

Hard to believe their movie The Two Amigos is 36 years old.

Obligatory missing-option post: Half Life 2's gravity gun, which was a game-changer in every sense, and heralded a whole new era of physics-based weapons and tactics.