You are quite obviously color blind and therefore your opinion is moot.
You are quite obviously color blind and therefore your opinion is moot.
One fell swoop, just assured the world of no more Benghazis.
Because it doesn’t matter how “hot “ you are when you have that kinda of opportunity
This gives me so much heartburn, but....
Back at you
White tears , who knew the tasted so good.
Are you responding to the correct comment ? because I expressly stated that the actions presented in pornography were unrealistic, and that the should temper those expectations, not get into kink , and find a partner they can communicate, explorer and have fun with
I read a lot of fiction. At times I have read a lot of Stephen King
That is ok, cause that is good kinda.
I was trying to figure out if this was real, because OMG, that is terrible form and I would be shocked to learn that this was someone who was a pro.
I have two teenage boys and I have discussed this with them on numerous occasions.
That was a really well done, nice article.
I believe it is the prospect of the apocalypse starting in Isreal , so we need them to make Jesus come again.
How does any of my statements make me a troll?
Agreed, we just finished this conversation at Christmas in a room full of college educated woman in their 30's.
Similar to my response above, they end up getting room and board, which is not working for free.
Many, many cultures do this, it is not particularly unique.
That is what happens in many, many cultures.
This is why I believe polygamy will become a thing in my lifetime.
I had my dentist appointment in October 110/70 , my annual physical last week 130/84, and that was the second time he took it, after I did some relaxation. Keep in mind he has been Dr for 15 years and I have never come close to that number