Skip Bifferty the 2nd

Moo won’t believe how many people think chocolate milk comes from brown cows

He doesn't have one. He's just whining for the sake of being a whiner, because that's very in right now.

Somewhere in the depths of hell, Jimmy Savile is looking upon this and thinking, "Phffft. Amateur."

I'm shocked.

Some more lucrative than others.

Twitter is your Lord and Emperor. The sooner you acknowledge and accept that, the easier the Reckoning will be for you, irritable baby.

Yes, Lincoln is the only Republican politician who has ever been shot.

Yes, Republicans created guns and mental instability.

I'm sorry I missed that. That sounds like quite the journey. I've been on similar ones around these parts.

This I think points to what a lot of people misunderstand about a lot of garden variety internet trolls: they're just trying to be funny. Even the really harsh, combative types; they think this is humor. You may look at that stuff and ask "how could anybody find that funny," but the existence of the

Yes, but satire's true function isn't humor anymore; it's scorekeeping.

You mean that woman who got fired from her job and now nobody knows who she works for or what she actually does?

I loathe Alex Jones as much as the next guy, but Jesus Christ have we turned into a nation of complete fucking pussies. You can't run a hundred news stories about the guy and then say "How dare you give this guy a national platform!" Number one, he has one every weekday for hours; number two, he's not the Hypnotoad

I don't know dude; these people may have a point. When I auditioned for "Man in Speedo", I was allowed, if not encouraged, to do it in a 3-piece suit under a lead apron in a different room while everyone faced in the other direction.

"I don't like that you used that word."

Attractive people in a major motion picture? You don't say.

"How much do we really know about the murder of Seth Rich?"

Yes, but are they virgins?

…since the show’s social commentary can be very hit or miss

I'm not sure what this guy's end game is. If God wanted proof of His existence, I'm sure He could provide it. The whole idea is that He requires your faith. Trying to prove the existence of Biblical phenomenon seems counterproductive.