
Makes it look buck-toothed. Not living in a state that requires a front license plate, may I ask is there really a practical, real-world necessity for a front mounted plate, or is this basically just another way to increase revenue? Technology is such now that we can scan credit-card size transponders for EZ-Pass

Where are its lips? 

Ugh! I was eating!

And that’s the picture she posts of herself.  I imagine a random snapshot would reveal her to be some kind of school glue-based lint golem.

Nothing can truly Spray and Wash away the stain of racism.

I hope she comes clean about this. 

I can actually hear Clarkson’s voice while I watch that.

Did you miss the part where I said “I’m not condoning non consensual touching of other people, at all.”

no. no one is.

I specifically was not taking that stance.

No one is taking that stance.

Then it was legal if she consented because CO’s close-in-age exemption is 10 years for 17 y/os. It’s also unclear whether what they did would be considered sexual activity or not. That wasn’t really MajorBurn’s main point, though. Don’t grope people. 

Nobody said crap about 30+yr. old Jerry Sienfield dating underage Girl for 2 years PRIOR to to her turning 18yrs.old. It was announced that his girlfriend at the time finally turned 18yr. old. after they had been dating for over 2 years already. On Entertainment Tonight like it was normal. Nobody mentions this Pervert

It was pretty fucked up either way, but he’s 32 now. This was in 2009/2010 I think? So he was in his early 20s?

Not only it requires a Facebook login, it also will ONLY load Facebook photos as profile photos. It refuses to load photos from any other source. That makes it useless for people who don’t do everything on FB. 

I think many youngsters today have a really hard time.
Half of them are less attractive than average, and will be swiped left, every time.
Back when, young ones met others face to face, and because of etiquette had to talk a little to each other, no matter what the looks. That gave a chance to find out “hey, this

Especially not considering how Facebook has been sharing people’s activities with others. For a dating app of all things, this should be a big red flag.

Forgot to mention that you have to use your Facebook account. Which a lot of people won’t want to do. Uninstalled about 5 seconds after I installed it.

Requires a Facebook login to work, not acceptable!

Publicity stunt! His solo album is due to drop soon🤣🤣