Skid Bream

MLS, where all fans are white? Atlanta and Miami would disagree and all signs point to Phoenix making the next round of expansion.

He would somehow be infinitely worse if he had remained a Hawk.

Agreed. Dude is laughing during his last layup. They did it on purpose. #tictactruther

Strippers with the MLS Cup > Atlanta United > Manchester United

This hot taek has been frequently shouted by the Chads and Sullys on twitter. All I can say is I dont ever have to think about 28-3 again now that I’ve experienced a live championship win, and the Falcons winning the Super Bowl someday will not produce nearly the same high of breaking the city's curse last night, so

Those are some Guys!

The Red Sox have the highest payroll in baseball. Not just the fans that became the Yankees.

You really have no earthly idea that the Red Sox have become the Yankees, do you?

I appreciate your post and your username.

Give it a shot. The energy there is playoff-esque, and this team actually wins. The Thrashers guys in the supporters section still shout KNIGHTS during the anthem.

#SaveTheMFCrew you dead bastard


Love this. Also, Nascar and hockey ratings are way down. All the rednecks moved on to college football and UFC.

This must be what it’s like to try heroin for the first time. I need more of this right now.

As an idiot who roots for the dumb cursed Falcons and thus a neutral observer, Cardinals fans are definitely Packers fans. Both franchises think they’re special and unique and better than you when nothing could be further from the truth.

“So molly, uh, is a real shithole”
- Donald Trump

It’s obviously satire.

You’re right!

Panama. First timers, CONCACAF pride, with just the right about of grit and scrappitude. And it’s not their fault we suck ass. Had we won against T&T it would have been our names drawn for that group in their stead.