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    The thing I really hate about vinyl now is the price. I don't know if I can personally tell if it's better sound quality, but I enjoy it, mostly for the novelty. But I hate the way the industry has capitalized on the interest and now charges $35 for a new record. That's a lot of money.

    How do you mean? I can't say I remember the books all too well

    That's more or less what happened to me. I was disappointed that I never found out what happened, so I just started listening to the audiobooks. Tim Curry narrates and does a great job. They're really quick, I recommend it!

    Definitely would have gone with Buttzville NJ over Ramtown

    Oooh so that's why they call him Iron Fist.

    This reminded me a lot of the opening to Guardians of the Galaxy — a few different people all converging on the McGuffin at the same time

    Usually we'll just say "Retc" but I think you're doing a great job.

    Oh no, it's an Albany thing.

    We call them steamed hams where I'm from.

    Oh shit. Screwed that one up

    Is no one else concerned that this judge's name is JUDGE REINHARDT??

    For sharks

    I had to pause it at this. Hysterical.

    Come on man, he set you up for the Firefly line, and you blew it. This is why we can't have nice things.

    My favorite line which I try to use all the time is "The level of incompetence in this office is STAGGERING!"

    I'm glad someone agrees with me on this. That scene in the bunker was some of the finest acting I've seen

    They're not that bad, but they do have a lot of alcohol in them

    Yes. No. Yes. No. No. No. Ok. Bye.

    Tamra skipped Morgan's party cause she still has feelings for him… no?