
Because maybe he wants to be able to display the card by itself with nothing obstructing the view but doesn’t want to risk moving it to a new sleeve since the card is so valuable? We've already established signing the card directly lowers the value and a signature on a clear piece of plastic probably isn't worth that

How did we go from 929 million to 1 trillion?

He’s delightfully awful as super-rich super-evil CEO Christian DeVille on the comedy series Corporate.

No, it just reveals that truly no one cares about this non-incident.

Ellie didn’t say “hey, I have a gay black friend, no way I could ever be racist

It’s like every GMG site is convinced that this extremely dead horse is dire need of more flogging. Not literally every site, but it sure feels that way.

I think we have at least a few more articles to squeeze out of this story. What does Tina Fey think? How about Steve Carell? maybe we can get a slide show or two at some point if we are lucky.

How dare she not visit her local library and make sure that a town fair and ball have no problematic history before attending!

It’s getting ridiculous.

you mean that shit she did as a child with no real knowledge of what it meant, that everyone shat on you for posting about in the last comments section?

The only response that was warranted:

It reveals just how in bad faith this whole argument is that, for the first time ever, a celeb friend saying, “She’s cool with me though!” is enough to take someone off the problematic list.

Yesterday, Ellie Kemper apologized for her participation in the Veiled Prophet’s Ball  Fair Saint Louis

Stop. Bitching. About. Ellie. Kemper.

This Ellie Kemper thing confuses me. She participated in an event sponsored by a group that had changed it uglier practices before she was born and yet she has to apologize for what was most likely a family commitment in wealthy society? Give me a second...I heard on the radio that this equates to someone apologizing

Wow, you guys are really doubling down on trying to make this huge nothingburger a thing, aren’t you?

Blows my mind that people still want to pretend bad faith attacks like this should be humored.

This is the exact same trap Biden and Kamal fell into re: immigration. 

Go fuck yourself, Megan Reynolds, you self righteous asshole.

I firmly believe that the only people who felt that an apology was even necessary were the least deserving of one. 

Great now can the AVClub and The Root apologize for that BS article last week? That would be great.