Funny that Deadspin, of all places, has chosen to ignore the whole “millionaire many, many times over threatens the career of a worker who doesn’t make in ten years what she will that afternoon, for doing his job” angle.
Funny that Deadspin, of all places, has chosen to ignore the whole “millionaire many, many times over threatens the career of a worker who doesn’t make in ten years what she will that afternoon, for doing his job” angle.
This is exactly correct. The league currently keeps 78% of revenues, which does not come close to covering (non-salary) expenses. How are they supposed to operate on just 50% of revenues? Who pays for that??
Did the doctor in your example assault fellow doctors who he met at doctor events, but only after the fact? No?
The doctor in the example was assaulting his patients while actively practicing medicine on them. If you bar the doctor from practicing medicine, you restrict their access to patients, and thus he would no longer be able to assault people, at least via the same avenue he was previously using to find victims.…
I am very clearly talking about the way Fox News’ dishonest approach to “conversation” closely mirrors your own, not about their view of the issue. But you already know that! (Although I know they would agree with your take on “pointy-headed wittering about logic”).
I think, especially where the country is at this point, that actually trying to raise the level of discourse is extremely important, and following the Fox News model of “make shit up, yell at people who disagree, and constantly move the goalposts” is extremely damaging.
When you make a point as utterly stupid as the one in that twitter post, you’ve already derailed the discussion.
What I think is that there are so, so, so many holes in that comparison that even making it shows that you have zero interest in making a point even slightly rooted in fact.
I know your next tactic is to say “Why are you so concerned about defending him??”
I get the point. She (and you) know that even though her analogy is absolutely asinine, it condemns CK and therefore people will “like” it, and you can pat yourselves on the back.
Comparing a doctor to a comedian is absurd, comparing a doctor-patient relationship to a comedian-fan relationship is even more absurd, and comparing a doctor committing assault in the actual course of their work to a comedian committing assault outside the course of theirs might be the most absurd of all.
I agree, the choice of a period for punctuation has to be the worst of the options. It took me a couple attempts to figure it out as well.
It’d be an intriguing premise—if, again, it weren’t so nearly identical to Roger Rabbit, right down to the inevitable frame job. Also, if The Happytime Murders had taken a few more cues from that film and focused less on the rote whodunit and more on the funhouse-mirror L.A. where it takes place.
It’s less that the evidence does not exist in his initial article, and more the hilariousness of using his own articles as some sort of proof that a consensus has been built on a position, which he does all the time.
He’s literally “just” getting started, since he sure can’t finish.
The best is Billy trying to provide evidence for “his claim on the “best dribbler in the world” crown” by linking to his own article.
Cornerback is already one of the highest paid positions. It’s just not more highly paid than QB, which is a far more important position.
All of the points you brought up are relevant in terms of the inherent unfairness of the salary cap to players, but none of them are particularly relevant to the issue Norman has which is the disparity between salary’s for QB’s and non-QB’s. If the salary cap went away, mediocre QB’s would still be paid far more than…
The main reason Hallquist stands a chance is that Scott has angered his Republican base by signing anti-gun measures, which tells you a lot.
A true Mariners team would finish the season alternating between long winning and losing streaks, before ultimately finishing on like a 7 game winning streak that leaves them one game out of the wild card.