
Ewing Theory: The Movie

Then the writer should be able to include that important piece of information, and still know her point holds true.

If this was a white male, everyone on this site would be tripping over themselves asking WHY AREN’T THEY CALLING THIS TERRORISM? I haven’t seen that question come up too much here - have seen a number of comments about her mental health though.

No actually that’s 100% correct in all other circumstances. Most people still manage to take a break from WASPing to enjoy bachelor/ette parties as intended though.

I would happily go fruit picking with a group of guy and girl friends. However, it is not a bachelor/ette party in any sense of the word, unless you consider the mere act of a guy hanging out with a group of guys as sexist, which I believe Hannah does.

Hannah thinks fruit picking is a great activity for joint bachelor/bachelorette parties. She was DEFINITELY too cool for these movies.

Same here, I think this looks like a pretty good movie that I have negative desire to see.

If I had to describe Peak Wes Anderson to someone, it would be with this sentence:

Although GMG on its own is not losing money, we find ourselves tied to a company with $8 billion in private equity debt

Except that Jane Bond is not the character. James Bond is.

It might not be completely original, but we chose Al Green “Let’s Stay Together” for ours. Romantic enough without being saccharine, and I think pretty catchy.

It did, however, include a 285 word parenthetical, which as heartfelt and earnest as it was, was still a 285 word parenthetical.

I haven’t listened to much Shwayze since their debut album, but it was about as antithetical to evangelical “values” as Trump is (without all the bigotry of course).

Better question, would this article ever have been written if Barcelona wasn’t the primary example?

Not to mention that the screenshot they chose to put atop the article makes it look like that girl is looking directly into the camera and getting ready to start chanting it, when in reality its something you hear in the background for a half a second at the beginning of the video.

Is it really her single, if its someone else’s song that she’s featured on?

Are they idiots for invading the pitch, or for doing so to kiss Cristiano and not Messi?

I mean yeah, if you base it just on things like “who won the game” I guess this is right.

I’m just very confused as to the difference between this and Cam Newton’s post-Super Bowl interview. Deadspin basically bent over backwards to take any blame away from Newton, wondering how anyone could be accountable like that right after a big loss (and heavily inferring that race had to do with it). So why does