
And that right there is the issue. He wants to be in the public eye again but hasn’t done anything in public to show anything is different. Sure, he lost a few projects and went away for a few months, but as far as anyone knows, that is the extent of what happened. Has anything changed? Has he done any counselling?

You mean, on your fanny?

So much this. Yes, you should always try to pay down your debt, but that doesn’t mean you should never do anything else. This is what people don’t understand about people who are poor. they look at someone who is poor and see them with a big screen TV and say “they should have taken that money and put it toward their

Because supporting child molesters and protesting police killing unarmed people are the same thing?

Regardless, I can at least see the whole “corporate policy” argument. The problem being, Jerry Jones is not saying they can’t kneel but they can stay in the locker room, he is saying every player will stand for the

Even if you’re right, that would be 1+2+1+1 not 1+1+2+1.

I’m curious what “evidence” he produced? He said he didn’t do it, sure. Some people spoke up and said that isn’t the person they knew or they never saw it, but what exactly was the evidence to prove she was lying/making it all up?

Except it will never match the brilliance of Clue. 1+2+2+1

WWE can’t even repeat it on a weekly basis. While the televised show generally do good attendance, the house shows are almost always less than 10,000 except for special big shows. 

OH god, TWD season one was just brutal. As much as I hate that ending for the feels, I love it all the same.

Does the testosterone give her an advantage? Probably. Does being tall and thin give her an advantage? Probably. Does her muscular structure give her an advantage? Probably. The only way to be an elite athlete is to have physiological advantages over most people. No matter how hard I work, I do will not be a top

Oh god, I had forgotten about that. There never was any explanation of that at all.

Don’t do it! Everything they say is true. Season 2 is the very worst of the worst in teen drama whereas season one was pretty much perfect guilty pleasure watching. To give you an idea how bad season 2 is, Betty does a striptease in front of a bar full of Serpents and it is so meaningless that it is never even

I think we all can agree that kneeling for the anthem is a political statement. If that is the case, standing for the anthem is also a political statement. So if the NFL can force it’s players to stand for the anthem, it can force them to make a political statement they may not agree with. Just think about that for a

While I love Blink and think it is probably the single best episode, I’m not sure it is a great entry point because it is so different from the rest of the show. After watching Blink, you will probably be expecting a show big on horror and atmosphere, which Who usually is not. Liking Blink in no way means you will

So how exactly do you show someone you have a gun without pulling the gun on them? Do you show them a picture of the gun you now definitely have but aren’t pulling out? Do you show them the gun shaped outline in your pocket? Do you use your mental telepathy to beam the image of the you getting the gun into his brain?

This shit right here is part of the problem. The drug company charges an outrageous fee and then will help patients with the co-pay so they demand insurance covers it (which really they should because migraines suck) and the drug company still gets it outrageous fee. I absolutely hate when drug companies do this

That because using the technology of 1980 we would have run out. We keep getting better at extracting oil from places we couldn’t before, so we get “more” of it. There is really the same amount out there, it’s just we can get to more of it and when we pull it out we pull out more of it.

While the airline is certainly to blame for making the seat space so small, that person also is to blame because they know exactly what is going to happen when they recline their seat. This isn’t some unknown, they know by reclining their seat they are going to make the person behind them extremely cramped and

Why can’t they both be monsters?

One thing to point about about stocks is that unless you fall under the estate/inheritance tax, there is not tax paid on gains from the person who died. So if I buy a stock at $1 a share the stocks are worth $100 a share now, normally there would be capital gains tax on the $99 a share that it has risen if I sold or