
And how exactly would a warning or ability to OPTIONALLY skip certain scenes alter your personal gaming experience? I recently played a game with spider-like creatures and there was an arachnophobia warning. And you know what? My gaming experience was completely unaffected.

Great writing is a considerable stretch with Cyberpunk 2077. Hopefully with the sequel they can come up with a plot that isn’t boring, disconnected from the actual gameplay, and slightly less cliched.

“Need” years of care would probably be a better description of CP2077. Which is my primary takeaway with CDPR... they don’t make competitive pvp games, so there’s really no imperative to buying them hot off the press. They’ll be there, six months later (add an extra year to that for CP2077) and in considerably better

Must be so hard to be bullied for being way better looking than me.  Poor dude.

She’s implied that her physical safety was in jeopardy if she didn’t give him back the money.

I adore monster hunter as a series, but I can rarely recommend it. It’s just such a tedious cycle that could be streamlined greatly. Rise was considerably more accessible, while still being horribly obtuse. 

That was exactly my thought. Every MH game I have tried is such a slog when it comes to... Well everything... That I wouldn’t mind someone coming in and trimming the tedium out of it.

On the one hand, maybe they’ll cut out all the obnoxious legacy design choices which bog down the Monster Hunter games.

EA’s typically not the big bad witch trying to make all their projects garbage. Or at least that was their way of operating when Bioware was flailing around on Anthem and Mass Effect Andromeda according to the exposes.

I’m for more competition in this space which Monster Hunter has basically dominated.

To be clear,

it’s a well-constructed rpg with gorgeous art and a living city.

This guy headlines 

Take-Two stabs People Can Fly in the back with Project Dagger

I know getting funding for AAA projects is a beast and sometimes you’ve gotta take what you can get, but god almighty I don’t know why any 3rd party developer would work with Take Two or Square Enix at this point. Both of those companies have demonstrated pretty clearly that they only care about their own golden

The problem is that they probably won’t.  They will play it safe and not bring anything significantly new.

Ghost of Tsushima is probably already a better Assassin's Creed: Japan than Ubisoft is capable of making (saying as someone who quite enjoyed Odyssey and Valhalla).

Freedom of speech only protects your dumb, Clarence Thomas lookin ass from the Government. Not corporations. Not private citizens. You are not owed a platform for having a pulse. Snowflake.

Man, I'd be pissed if I knew what any of that meant.

As a non-US person living in a country that has border with Russia: we could not care less about US government installed dictators. Putin is an unpredictable very real threat the likes of which the world hasn’t had very many since the early to mid 1900's.

My understanding of it is that a friend of Keffals in the same city where she is staying mentioned wanting to take her to a poutine shop without providing any further details, so KiwiFarms mapped out every poutine shop in the city and began organizing how they could plant bombs and wait for Keffals to show up.

If anyone is wondering what seems to have been the line for CloudFlare, what the “specific targeted threats” were, the creeps started planning to bomb specific restaurants in an effort to get to Keffals. So I guess the takeaway is CloudFlare was totally cool with credible threats of murder as long as they kept it to