
It’s always been this bad and it also hasn’t: there have always been really good studios and really bad studios (just as there are good-looking and bad-looking shows). But ~usually~ show quality remains pretty consistent in anime, especially when it comes to character models However, in my experience, huge dips in

Difficulty is relative. And when I was (about) 10, the hardest challenge I faced was fighting Mack, the first main boss in Super Mario RPG. He is not a hard boss, but for younger-me it was relatively brutal. It was my first RPG, and English wasn’t my first language, so a lot of the complexities of Mario RPG (such as

Hearing that name gives nightmares to this day. Biggest gaming disappointment of my childhood.

I couldn’t believe you when you said Mission Hill was 20 years ago. Now I feel goddamn old.

PSA: You can still upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 for free. Assuming your comp can handle it, there’s no reason not to (unless you’re like me and you would fight until the last second to hold on to your dear Win7). The promotion officially expired but never really technically expired. Don’t believe me? We did it


I actually played through entirety of Witcher 1. In the end, I kind of enjoyed W1 over W2, which I know sounds crazy given the popular opinion. I liked that W1 felt a bit more free-roamy, and I also didn’t mind the overhead cam (in fact, I kind of liked it).

Now playing

Never played the game to completion, but after watching a playthrough of it on youtube, even the SNES version seems to have a first person segment on the death star right after the big Mode 7 part. Perhaps, they were planning on just cutting the initial death star segment and skipping straight to the first person part?

This sounds like an amazing class, and I wish I had taken it lol

When I was learning to code state-based programming for games, I also struggled with implementing ladders. I needed to make a state for getting on the ladder and doing stuff on it and another state for getting off the damn thing. The latter took me months to figure out to make it work properly. It’s always surprising

Welp, looks like I’m losing another favorite writer on this site. But who am I kidding, I actually love them all.

Graize, siamo in pochi in quest’angoloino dell’internet!

Italian speaker here, to correct mistranslations ( from the original Italian review into English).

Check Storymark’s link in this post thread. Not sure just how much truth there is to all of this, but prob best to sit back and observe until someone involved clarifies what’s going on.

Holy crap I had no idea!!

That’s what I was about to say. You could call this 2.5D at best, but it is indeed 3D backgrounds, painted to look 2D. Also included are some 2D animated elements, such as smoke, animated fauna, foliage and water, to “sell” the illusion of 2D.

Hell yeah a good, ol kallax

Of course, totally get it. I just wish there was an *option* to start from bottom 0, for the masochists like me.

I’m still kinda bummed we can’t start characters from 0. I know it’s just an artificial inflation from 750 - 960 power, which is basically just a world-wide reset to 0 -260 with higher numbers.. buut I liked feeling like I clawed my way up from complete 0 rather than be flat-out handed 750 power (which sounds like a

I despise milling. Single MTG mechanic that bugs me the most