
That’s good news for me! I know I would enjoy this game, but I also saw it on day-one for what is was: an open world loot grind with no narrative of significance. Which I can totally into! Just not for the originally advertised price. Now if it were only to drop $20 more, then we can talk about pulling out my wallet.

Yeah but that’s just the ‘Archon’ art (randomly generated icon) of the deck. The rest of the cards have proper art, though I’d say it’s not quite on par with MTG and not quite as cartoony as Hearthstone.

Got mine for $2.50 with a game. Never played the game but use the ‘link almost on a daily basis. Sometimes it’s to swatch wife play games on TV, or usually just to stream videos from Netflix and Youtube. It was the best and cheapest peripheral I never knew I wanted or needed.

I’ve got a dishwasher and opt to wash dishes by hand. Mainly because I forget I have dishwasher in the corner of my kitchen.

Yeah, I used to play Overwatch very regularly for a while. Although it was always fun to see what new things they released, FPS match-based games get stale for me, so it’s a wonder I lasted as long as I did. Overwatch brought a lot of style, personality and asymmetrical (that means the opposite of Symmetra) gameplay

There is no such thing as demand for low quality. There is just demand for things that are cheap and within your budget. If the two overlap, that’s merely because of correlation. If anyone had the chance to get the real deal for a bargain price, they would. But if all you can afford is the knockoff, that doesn’t

“Was there a dog in this room?”

There’s another direct?? Tomorrow??!

You have made this discussion about the importance of respecting opinions and criticism. This is not what this discussion was about: it was originally about makeup, not about respecting people’s opinions to the point that I can’t have my own. So, since we’ve already strayed from our original topic, I probably won’t be

Sorry but I harshly disagree. Any view that shames people’s lifestyles, when said lifestyles are peaceful and unobtrusive, are wrong. There is a fine line of difference between criticism and shaming. Criticism should be constructive, and entail an understanding of the topic from the other side, which I did not see in

I think you’re trying to come from a good place but you’ve got the wrong takeaway here. If some people feel more comfortable/confident with makeup on, that’s their prerogative and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Why is it that the most ignorant minority of internet-goers is almost always the loudest.

Ok sure, if we must talk semantics, it’s not HUGE huge, but I’d say 350 employees is still big especially relative to game studio sizes, and especially so respective to salary costs of game developers vs your average retail employee. Gearbox is still not as large as say, Blizzard or EA, but a lot of AAA game dev

Except that the spouse of the person starting the new business is a CEO and likely had some money handy from the get-go (plus we don’t know if they just come from wealth). Not sure why the sum they claimed was stolen jumped in value after the ruling, though it is possible they just uncovered more missing funds on

I mean, Mr Pitchford is a CEO of a huge company, with god-knows-how-many employees, and Mrs Pitchford was starting her own new local business. I’m no business owner, but I’d wager that the money was likely gonna go towards the salaries of employees and maintaining of their facilities (which also pays for someone’s job)

Agree with the entire sentiment, but this is not a behavior that is exclusive to ‘gamers’. It’s more of a fandom thing. You see death threats being sent or entitled behavior being shown by movie fans, TV show fans, celebrity fans, sports fans and really any other entertainment venue a person could be ‘passionate’

I actually loved the Ps3 controller for 3D action/adventure games (Dark Souls, Assassin’s Creed, etc) and kind of stuck with it for a while. Not sure why, but my tiny hands always found the 360 controller to be too bulky to properly wrap my hands around comfortably. I eventually upgraded to a Ps4 because the Ps3

I use an 8bitdo SF30 Pro SNES controller. Not sure if for Valve’s statistic purposes that counts as an snes controller, but it could easily fall into the PC gamepad category.

Acting like young boys indeed.