

In October, he uploaded porn to his YouTube channel, which seemed to have resulted in its deactivation. He then posted the message, “And now, it’s my turn to die. I love you all.”

does that mean you want a Constantine crossover too?

The Goop has gotten to her brain.

Am I the only one seeing flaws in the armor design? Her poor crotch, she’s basically wearing a metal swimsuit-slash-chastity belt. How can she even walk? She can bend her abs, but how can her torso twist with her hips when she walks? Crouches? Kicks? Nevermind, I take it back, she can’t bend her abs. The stylized

or a scene in a Batman movie about why he dresses like a bat or calls himself Batman.

“She wants to come out looking like she’s changed, learned life lessons and is growing as a person, so she for sure wants people to think she is interested in her education.”

with an article title like that I can’t tell if you’re going to cost them sales of the game or increase them.

you don’t think the excessive amounts of alcohol bears mentioning? I mean, he joins up because Rocket mentions there’s beer on the ship.

will there be shape-shifting bounty hunters?

Why the hell was Dr. Strange relegated to water dam duty? Seeing as he and Wong have a couple hundred magic interns on the field of battle, feels like one of them could have handled that while he helped out with the encroaching alien army.”

it hasn’t been confirmed, not exactly.

I mean, you gotta lump in that Hydra spies in SHIELD now think Cap is part of their organization, not to mention Cap learned about Bucky immediately after Avengers 1 now, and somehow Peggy Carter kept him hidden for their entire lives *or* Cap got involved in SHIELD early or blarg. who knows. At least it wasn’t Kang

lets remember that this is the Scar that can sing, too. They cut Be Prepared from the computer animated one.

The Asgardians were doing their best, until Asgard got destroyed. Thor 2, as meh as it was, opened with Thor and the Warriors 3 defending one of the realms from an invading force. They also did their part on Midgard back in the day, shown in Thor 1, and Thor is continually going around the galaxy looking to prevent

the Kree, the Shi’ar, the Strontians, the Skrulls (super skrulls), the Inhumans, the Brood, Hulk’s friends on Sakaar (but not in MCU), the Guardians of the Galaxy (originals, hinted in post credits for #2), the Badoon, the Kronans, THE ASGARDIANS, but I could go on, and on, and on. She was being snarky.

There is also only one Thanos, taking over planets and killing half the populations of each, all over space, which he had been doing for...who knows how long, long enough for Gamora to be taken as a child and then grow to an adult. Longer than Cap’n Marvel has been in space. Everybody in the Universe seems to know his

“In actuality, the core of Lawson’s engine is the Tesseract first introduced in Captain America: The First Avenger and later revealed to be a vessel containing the Space Stone.”

because the Prowler is a masked supercriminal and the kingpin has a lot of money. Same goes for Tombstone and Scorpion. Doc Ock has her own agenda, but still is being paid by Fisk, as is all of Alchemax. Not everyone needs an emotional hook to get them to do a job, least of all mercenaries.

in the Ultimate comics, she becomes a reporter near the time of Peter Parker’s death, then investigates the case after until it leads her to Nick Fury and Shield, who she blamed for Peter’s death, not to mention everything bad in Peter’s life. Maybe you should read some more comics.