
If you see a white, hetero, abled male comedian who is painfully unfunny, do you say he’s “giving a bad name” to whites, hetersexuals, men, etc?

These are precisely the sort of people for whom the phrase “eat the rich” was invented. Their version of joy and celebration is utterly posed and contrived, entirely dependent on the hope of receiving envious/desiring gazes.

I hope the universe sends you and your family healing and good fortune to put that chapter increasingly far behind you.

So sorry to hear you and your children experienced that. I hope you are all safe now.

How many crimes could be prevented if law enforcement started taking into account domestic violence, sexual harassment, and other crimes often committed by men against women as serious markers of potential future large scale (wiping out entire families, mass shootings, etc)violence? I really wish some foundation would

For any fellow queers looking for something to partially alleviate today’s pain, highly recommend this queer fantasy take on Stonewall:

But she has split from him now, hasn’t she? And she might feel in retrospect that he was taking advantage by getting together with her when she was so young. I’ve known a lot of women who had a romance with an older man in their late teens/early 20s and looking back they’re like “he was the age I am now and chose

Hope the script has women using their brains, skills, etc to pull off their heist. So tired of that trope where where women distract guards with their hot bods or flirt to gain access secret info.

My fantasy is (and remains—maybe the neighbor will sell it) that the property is purchased by a wealthy old lesbian who would burn it and salt the the land it stood on, then build a facility to house retirement home for the sort of people who would never have been welcomed in the Playboy mansion—senior citizen queer

But your imagination of what it might feel like to be disabled is not the same as actually being disabled. Check out some of the hashtags being used on Twitter by disabled people to talk about this so you can gain some insight into their viewpoints. #MeBeforeEuthanasia, for example. As with any less privileged group,

If not white, than probably white-adjacent like George Zimmerman.

Don’t know about this case and obviously the rape victim is entitled to anonymity. But in most of these cases of female teachers sexually assaulting male students, the teacher is a white woman and the student is a POC. Because rape culture isn’t just about gender, and we still live in society where POC are described

I’m sure it’s only coincidence that white men complain more often about how spoiled/moody/hard to work with people who are not white & male are.

“The gay people are cutting into my hetero privilege by becoming visible and accepted. This equals oppression of heteros! Giving queers rights deprives me of the comfort of societal homophobia! This must be stopped!”

So if a tsunami hits the west coast, it might be a case of spousal homicide with the rest of the population as collateral damage?

But you have to go shopping at the vintage store first to find the perfect Betty Draper outfit.

Not saying she’s drop-dead gorgeous. She’s close enough to the mainstream US standard of what is considered pretty (young, thin, white, long hair) that she still no doubt receives pretty privilege. If she wasn’t famous, I’m sure she could cry her way out of traffic tickets, get lots of free drinks in most bars, etc.

If Casey Anthony had been a WOC—or even an unattractive WW— she would not only have been found guilty. Not only that, but the case would never earned the same amount of media attention. Pretty privilege + white privilege got her acquitted and famous.

Black Americans I know who have traveled widely in Europe all say that anti-blackness exists very strongly there—but it’s directed most strongly at people who are from (or whose immediate ancestors are from) Africa. Whereas my friends felt that comparatively, they got a pass (not treated as well as whites, but treated