
This is just a variation of an old con; one variant used boxes of well known brands of speakers filled with deadweight or cheap speakers, but the buyer was supposed to believe they were stolen so he would be reluctant to go to the police and say "I was ripped off while I was attempting to receive stolen property". I

Someone's been accumulating WAY too many pirated media files!

I do believe it was Apple Records that sued Apple computers; the settlement was that Apple Records had trademark rights only to the music industry; Apple Computing was perceived as violating the settlement with the opening of the iTunes music store. This was one of the reasons the Beatles catalog was withheld so long


Sure. And if you believe this, then you believe the one about the little pill you drop into water to fuel your car. Or that Iraq had anything to do with 9/11.

Reading the text of the patent yields these clarifications.

It appears many confused commenters think the abstract is the entirety of the patent.

Wonder Woman's has been for decades!

To summarize the best points, the path for the next few years seems to be:

Hey, Sailor. New in Town?

Darwin Award?

Reminiscent of the story years ago about the person who calls the help desk to complain that the cup holder on their PC broke or the secretary who made backup copies of critical disks on the photocopier.

Um...doesn't Apple take 30% off the top?

Maybe the proliferation of young people referencing themselves as photographers is because of the economic collapse leaving them little but Mcjobs and unpaid internships.

How can it run without contracting muscles?

The question that needs to be answered was how were the dust samples collected. Once collected, they may be alike, but do dogs shed their dander in equal amounts? As someone whose own dandruff is heavier than many other person's, I would bet NOT.

You know how to spot an alien invader? 1)They can't bend their little fingers; 2) The don't know the difference between "their" and "they're".

Why would aliens NOT be created by Allah?

Were all Giz writers born yesterday?

BS. This is an open reservoir. What do they do when a bird releases waste into it?