
Most of the reactions, disgust or disbelief, is being caused by the inference that this order would be given for PR reasons. If it was given, I would assume it would have been given for the same reason that the BP oficials limited some of the safety practices that would have extended the days of platform use and cost

@Alluvian: Makes you wonder how those trogolodytes survived warm areas before air conditioning.

So I guess the current stategy is to eliminate Al Qaeda by making them die laughing.

I understand Apple is also objecting strongly to the rumors that gripping the iPhony 4 in the way described makes it fairly useless as a paperweight. They assert that it is still effective - you just need to stand on top of your stack of papers when holding the iPhony 4.

@qballdz: You don't screw in lightbulbs - you screw in bed.

@Vultan: A "power serge"? Is that where you finish a seam REALLY quickly?

It would appear that held as depicted in the right way picture, there is much greater chance of the phone slipping out of one's hand since the bottom is not resting up against your palm.

@JakeMG: The concept that all you have to do to turn a high speed bike is to lean is why so many naive riders die. Few understand the technique of countersteering which is (pardon the seeming pun) counter-intuitive.

and this is reported here because,,,,,,,

@JoeyJojoJrShabadoo: More like a couple of millenia. The Greeks even roughly approximated the circumference. Any seagoing peoples witness the event of a sail mast growing as it comes over the horizon

A "Science Fact" column in Analog many years ago explained how easy it is for a suicidal terrorist to make a fission device by machining as explained above, placing the concave section at the bottom of a couple of stories of sewer pipe and dropping the ball of fissionable material down the top of the pipe.

"Rights" only exist when you can find someone with the power AND the interest in enforcing them. In an era where several states have managed to outlaw videotaping police officers, I doubt that the guy with the gun, club, tazer and pepper spray was just WAITING for you to educate him/her.

@Dafrety: I get SO pissed off that every iTunes update requires a FULL 100 meg download. With capped accounts, this becomes significant . I am alos angered at their continued attempt to slip in Safari. Once I have said I don't want it that should be sufficient, but it ALWAYS attempts to get it in with a second try

It seems FREE has been getting redefined lately. I have recently seen "Free" offers for all kinds of products that require a purchase. NOT FREE!

"powered by Kinect to track your whole body's movement in realtime" Hmmm... think we'll see a Kinect platform cybersex?

@Cairnage: understanding is good. Modifying a part of a system without knowing what the effect can be, is bad. As Tevye sang" When you're rich, they think you really know!" I will bet that the experiments get done on hurricanes that don't affect the U.S. mainland- You know, just plans like Haiti & Jamaica.

@Maori_Yelir: We have to assume the ad was aimed at someone who had an excess of unwanted iPads to unload. As they say in Jersey, ones that had fallen off a truck. There used to be quite a few wise-guys in Arizona, like the Bonanos (does anyone still read Gay Talese?).

Since Cameron admits that he knows NOONE with ANY expertise in the oil industry, one has to ask whether allowing him access could make matters worse. The above-water analogy would be if he had spent years working with paleontologists who were REAL good at getting to remote desert locations, setting up the supply

Ego! Bill needs to leave a bigger mark in the history books than his 30 years involvement in the revolution thjat made massive information technology available to almost everyone in developed countries. Amassing a $80 billion fortune and using half to greate an eponymous foundation calls out for the foundation to

in high usage areas, isn't there de-facto throttling on ALL carriers. I have never seen any add that didn't describe wireless broadband speeds as "up to".