"Sam Biddle @aron.muci
I think it is reasonable to point out this security bug, but is it reasonable to expose all the data of this guy who's not at fault for the bug? Including that he works at Apple and showing his personal texts?
Your sarcasm doesn't actually make FCP X more than the iMovie Pro that it is.
"Now will you fanatics quit with the sobbing?"
"They're a bad investment. "
It is different from other publishing deals because Apple is a platform, not a publisher. This exclusivity (it isn't clear if it applies to the work in general or just the formatting made using the apple authoring tool) means the book can only be read on apple devices. Books sold through Amazon can be read on iOS,…
This really opens up more problems than it solves. With stills, it is fun to pick your focal plane after the shot is taken. Imagine having to do that for an **entire** video. Lytro would need to develop an app with with facial recognition and other tools to help you continually choose where to focus, and to have…
Because they'd rather have direct access to your bank account—way fewer safeguards for you, no charge backs, for instance. And with some banks even if you close your account, an E-Check will automatically open like a zombie and your bank will come after you for the amount. Plus, I imagine that Verizon pays less for…
""This is a very one sided post. My daughter was vaccinated and still got the chicken pox. Makes me feel like an idiot for getting a needle poked into her twice (which we thought would prevent it). Now I think twice about it."
"All the local farmers complain about the time change (both ways) since it confuses the cows (they know when its time to be milked)"
In part, yes. More evidence that placebos generally affect (to a limited degree, and only on some people) the subjective symptoms of disease such as pain but not the underlying disease, such a tumor growth.
I'm sure there is always more to learn, but we know enough about the effect to know that it is a very limited effect and that we can't trust the "wisdom" of ancient medicine. Folks who say ancient medicine must work because it is old are making a fallacious appeal to antiquity. The belief that disease is caused by…
Science knows more about the power of placebo than Asian and African practices. Science controls for variables, and placebo effect is one of the variables they control for. So it is a very highly studied effect. And one of the things we know about it is that it generally only affects subjective symptoms like pain and…
"There are many illnesses that cannot be fought with mind alone. "
Nicely made video—but it fails to point out a key aspect of placebos: they usually only treat the *subjective* symptoms of a disease not the disease itself. So you may feel better, but your tumor is still growing and killing you, your prostate is still enlarged and continuing to do so, etc.
Yeah, what does this political plolemic have to do with gizmos?
Quite. Relatively flat, high fill lighting is fairly common in fashion shoots, but it works best on people with gorgeous faces, perfect skin and expert non-shiny make up. It can look like crap on normal humans—which is an example of why supermodels are not a good source of info for beauty or fashion photo tips for…
Reminds me of Steve Martin's (IIRC) advice on how to be a millionaire, "First, get a million dollars..."
Yeah, it is pretty, using Apple-style minimalism. But you loose features with that minimalism. I, for one, like having separate knobs for the two input gain channels and for headphone out volume. I find minimalism to be annoying rather than a feature.