
RIP Melvin
I HATED HATED HATED you as Archie's annoying neighbor Barney, but it's still sad to hear that you've passed.

Audio Version
These taste tests would be great in an audiocast of some variety.

Oh, come on. He looks just like Azrael Abyss from SNL's Goth Talk. Only I don't think he's kidding.

Sebastian's "Change of heart"
I got the feeling watching the end of this episode that the producers sat the ranting Sebastian down, reminded him of the contract he signed to get his restaurant on the show, and threatened to sue him if he didn't play ball.

Son of Frankenstein = Criminally overlooked. If you stopped after "Bride", you need to go back for this one.

Long Night
As much as I hate Mr. Roth, there are some interesting choices here. However, The Vanishing AND Wicker Man AND Suspira AND Audition make for a very, very long night. Pick just two of the above and you should fare much better.

What about AC/DC?
They're still around somewhere, right? It's not like their music isn't played endlessly at football games anyways, give them a shot on stage already.

Great Interview
Thanks for posting this. I've been curious to what REALLY happened with those two for a while.

Speaking of old children's TV skits…
Beet beet, sugar beet beet, sugar beet, sugar beet beeeeet!

Dethklok rocks harder than Grohl on his "most metal" day, and they're a fucking cartoon.

little people, big world
I don't see the point. "We're little people, but we're just like you, see?"

Most mentioned here are game shows, people.
Top Chef, Survivor, Project Runway… they're all game shows. People competing for cash and prizes.