
In your opinion, someone fires a gun into a crowd and just happens to miss. How should that be handled?

Pay attention men: Women do not like it when you send your donger to their cell phone. They end up blocking it every time.

Sent to me by my seemingly-lone supporter Manuel T.

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What’s it going to take to get you to stop whining in the comments?

Thats bread and salt. A traditional Slavic greeting. Your comment is just as stupid as the photo.

go fuck yourself. you’re a cynical piece of shit.

I’ve never been paid to participate in these.

I seriously doubt that police officers get paid to go to other police officers funerals.

I totally agree with you. Arabs have no place to talk. They have been trying to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth since 1948. Their incompetence and failure in the battlefields does not wash away the fact that they are the true aggressors.

You shit on everyone’s suggestions and then come here and post this - fucking shocker.

I’ll start browsing craigslist a week from now for all the people who impulse bought a new car before they sold their current car and are desperate. Money is made in the buy right?

These are wonderful. Well done.

And an incoherent discussion of economics.

HamNo would critique this guys form and discuss how he’s neglecting his core. Then he’d bitch about yogurt for 5,000 words.

Pretty much the weightlifting equivalent of when I have sex; plenty of talk beforehand, a good show of confidence, a decent build up, use of a rubber... and then unintelligible grunts before everything slips out and I’m getting laughed at after a spectacular fail.

You might call this version a...Daesh Cam...

Not putting miles on your Ferrari is like not having sex with your Girl Friend so she’ll be more desirable to her next Boy Friend.

A 20+ ton vehicle...what’s that, like a couple hundred pounds?