
Another Jew looking to fuck up the world.

There’s a morbid curiosity I have in seeing what Trump as president would really be like. I am a sick person who needs help.

Muslim man enacted jihad and killed 86 - injured over 300 in Nice.- Perhaps the locals /and/ muslims there might be better off not having muslims flaunting in their faces until the scabs are gone on that act at least.

Gizmodo - a tech site is really not the place for this.

After being featured on this post I felt it appropriate to show my Seiko 5 and EDC.

After being featured on this post I felt it appropriate to show my Seiko 5 and EDC.

It’s obviously the result of Johnny Depp bringing his dogs there that one time and skipping the customs biosecuirty check... Damn Yorkshire terriers

So Wikileaks was cool when they’re taking down Bush and the Republicans, but when they do the same to Clinton and the Democrats they’ve hit rock bottom?

Who can trust this hate filled article? Author is a fucking mexican and you know what Trump said about Mexicans.

NSA also doesn’t like secrets.

Do you mean Jews in USA not working for Israel’s interests? Is that why they have so many lobby groups? Yeah Hitler was wrong, definitely good people only working for the betterment of America. I love how in movies and TV they have to reference Jews as good people every time. And it seems all the Jews who fled Germany

Jewish grief not possible without a lawsuit. It seems they always have a reason to sue for money. Money heals all according to Jews.

So easy he broke his screw driver.

Although the aging tits are tragic, I volunteer to study the affect of urbanization on boobies.

This is about the most depressing thing I’ve read since the last time I read something about the state of the planet.

Another dumbass quebecor full of himself. He should first make sure Mayan’s have french signs for their cities to make it easier to locate.

Gawker would still owe Hulkamania millons.

Germany lost ww2 but not because of England or France. Yet both axis powers, Germany and Japan now beat England, France in almost everything. So shove this article right up your English ass. Do British even have any national car manufacturers left?

1- I literally squeed a little when Jon met Sansa. FUCKING FINALLY
2 - This episode was kinda boring though.
3 - Out of all the people who die, it still annoys me Robert Arryn is alive. And i hope Baelish gets what’s coming to him. His inconsequential ass should pay for his stupid miscalculation with the Boltons. Turns

Two Starks in the same room... TWO STARKS IN THE SAME ROOM!

According to a local Milwaukee CBS affiliate, the events took place in January, 2016, and involved two girls (ages 14 and 15) and a 15-year-old boy who are students at Barack Obama School.