
Once the price to ‘buy it pre-made’ falls below $30, it really tends to be a no-brainer to just buy the device ‘pre-built’. There are TONS of audio-camera combos out there that can do this very thing, just add power supply (aka: battery). I get the ‘tinker’ aspect (as a dedicated RPi addict), but just like GPIO

Ok, for most people who actually ‘get by’ on a regular paycheck, you have a choice, cast iron skillets or teflon. Cast iron leeches iron (that your body needs), teflon is a carcinogen when ingested (once it’s ‘flaking off’ it’s way too late to avoid it). Hmmm, good for you-vs-carcinogenic? Unless you can afford

ANGER is the key-word here, when reading the list of ‘what’s leaving’ means seeing several titles I would have watched, if they had EVER came up on any of the ‘mindless’ lists NF offers you when you hit the homepage, or if they had come up when you intentionally search ‘adventure’ or ‘horror’ or ‘sci-fi’. They need to

Did you know, that only about 1-in-100 apply sunblock suitably to actually hit those SPF numbers on the bottle? I believe it was Consumer Reports that, after testing, found that most SPF-35 formulations were applied by most people to the point that they were only providing an SPF of about 7. Since it takes UVB to

Yep, we need D3. Without it, you get rickets. No proof there, I guess. Now, if sunlight converts CHOLESTEROL to D3 (imagine that), and you need 15k units per day - and you can’t get direct sunlight (in Seattle, about 1-to-1-1/2 hours sunlight per day) to hit that mark, please explain to me how you get D3?

Bad ‘proof’ cited in the article, considering that D3 is required by the human body (about 15,000 units per day, to be approximate). D3 is a natural anti-viral (it kills viruses, though not ‘Ahhhnold-style’), and without it, you get Rickets (nuff-said). Now, you say ‘don’t take them’, but real MD’s recommend them for

You’ve obviously never had a UTI (most often caused by a gram-negative nasties). I mean, I know you think E. Coli and Klebsiella Pneumonae are quite harmless, until you look at those several-million those two have killed over the years (two most common UTI bacterias, per the Mayo Clinic).

He also ate raw goat eyeballs, so there is probable substance to your assumption. I always said, ‘I can’t imagine what his weekly, monthly and yearly shot regime must look like’. Imagine your doctor’s expression when you say, ‘yep, 7th time for tapeworms this year, twice had brucellosis, and then there’s that

I’ve got Ubuntu 16.04LTS on one system I have already, and UbuntuMate on a couple of RPi’s. I’m actually not a fan of Snap for two reasons. First, the old .DEB format was just fine, like it was. If you opened File Manager and then ‘double clicked’ a .DEB, it would prompt you with what you wanted to open it with

Try it first, before commenting. It is solid, stable and offers a full-suite (planner is a free stand-alone). Free, and fits all my needs trumps ‘online only, and forsakes privacy’ or ‘pay for what you think you might need’.

Since several full office suites are free (such as LibreOffice), this would then equate to ‘some people give away free peanut butter and bread, why can’t Microsoft charge outrageous prices for theirs?’ Suddenly, the insanity is clear, yet millions still pay for it because billions have been spent to dull their clients

My wife works for a municipality that has the Office 365 Business Premium deployed, and their complete IT department is, per her words, ‘TOTALLY LOST’ on how to make it work. They constantly fight area shared-directories in Win10, they constantly have troubles with connectivity, and after about 6-months of it, they

Can’t imagine a better keyboard than the Logitech K400 series (K400 and K400 plus). For <$30, awesome battery life and ‘sure-key’ entries (no drops), it’s impressive. I really don’t think anyone can beat the Logitech keyboards for price vs quality.

Can’t imagine a better keyboard than the Logitech K400 series (K400 and K400 plus). For <$30, awesome battery life

BTW, the reason you parboil the raw brats is for the obvious reason of food safety. Pork is actually VERY hard for people to grill properly, and get it to a uniform temp above 160-F inside. By parboiling first, you kill the pathogens, and ensure that the grilling can be short, flavorful, and that you didn’t cook the

Actually, for Bratwurst (as in Johnsonville Brats), you do the full pack in a gallon freezer ziplock overnight, marinated in Sam Adams Beer, then dump the whole bag into a pan the next day, bring to a boil for 10-minutes, THEN grill. You’ve never had such an amazing Brat in your life!

I am aware of the actual definition of ‘1080i’, but from actual experience, I have also found that the ‘archaic’ comparison of small monitors to larger ones with borderline GPUs, that the larger-the-monitor, the greater likelihood of video ‘freeze’ when dealing with HD. In the ‘laboratory’ calculation of 1080i,

Not to go deep into it here, but the problem most-likely lies in your /boot/config.txt file that sets (among other things) the resolution of your monitor. Best way to handle this, is to find the config settings for your preferred monitor online, then use gedit (or nano, or whatever text editor you’re using) and edit

I ‘did’ say ‘Media Center Systems’ excluded (to a degree), but then again, if I want to see TV, I want it on my 1080i 27-inch monitor, too. You absolutely cannot run a HD show on a RPi (including v3) when you are talking about a screen of this size. Try it, before you think you can. I can run 1080i on my 7-inch

While I love playing with the RPi3's, and have loaded just about every familiar OS on them available, I’m not a really big fan of video on them. I mean, if you scale down resolution you can get a decent image (like 480p on my 7" Eleduino touchscreen), but there really is only so much you can get out of a 1ghz CPU, and

Interesting article. Now, counter that with my personal attitude of, “if you are too ashamed to state a price, I am too embarassed to ask it”, and you have the collapse of any potential deal, regardless of the repulsive nature f the ‘persuasive soft sell’. Bottom line: make it difficult to deal, and I won’t. This loss