
Why doesn’t Jesus eat M&Ms?

quin snyder looks like he got way too invested in playing Curley in a high school theater rendition of “Of Mice and Men”

This is the only correct answer...

its still probably considerably less than you’d spend wrestling in a state-sanctioned House of Hooers:

Surveillance and wiretapping are roughly technology related. You are not obligated to visit this site...

I so agree - you know it’s always the women demanding sex in any relationship. plus women are paid more at their jobs than men, and it’s always those poor men who are responsible for buying those expensive birth control pills and remembering to take them. And men usually get stuck with the breast feeding and raising

The decision should be between doctors and their patients. You wouldn’t know why they needed an abortion if they hadn’t shared their stories (well aware they’d get moral judgement from people like you). And that should be the way. It’s normally none of our business. As with all medical issues protected by

This is a great parallel to the Trump administration. Who knew it would be hard to coordinate a music festival? Who needs competent administrators? Who needs armies of volunteers and paid staff? Just spread the word on instagram and it will all fall into place.

Poor poor rich people, forced to live like the poors.

I weighed 280-300 lbs when I started graduate school the summer of 2011. I decided I was going to eat better and start exercising more, starting with walking every day and eventually progressing to running 4.25 miles a day. Over the course of about 10 months, I lost 150 lbs, going down to 148 lbs at my lightest. In

This kind of shit is why I immediately mute every single human being on voice chat in any online multiplayer game.

Well, yes....

Yes! But I’m highlighting this game (and, specifically, this documentary) here.

Now playing

Since you are a Blackalicious fan, you get a star, a response, AND a link to this video, which is long, but is a perfect explanation/justification for smart people watching wrestling.

“Yeah, no way a team can win a championship with 3 white guys.”

Especially the half white part.

No team is going to win a championship when their best player is Drake.

I mean if you’re going to Snapchat yourself doing a bump of coke at least have the presence of mind to use the whimsical dog filter.

Actually...FC Dallas has been the most consistently good team in MLS for the past 3 years and they’ve done it primarily by developing young talent through their academy. FC Dallas have done less than great in tournaments and the playoffs, but well, a lot of that is luck. Despite all the “parity” talk, MLS still has

The HD6 is actually better than the 7" Fire Tablet in pretty much every respect except screen size.

The HD6 is actually better than the 7" Fire Tablet in pretty much every respect except screen size.