
I don’t pretend to know the whole story here, but what a bitch.

“I looked around the room and everyone had their heads down. And I said no.”

A cult in Waco, you say?

Don’t forget Florida State.

Fuck this entire program and school.

Go Spurs, go! I mean it’s only one game but I will happily enjoy it.

This dude PAID $150 to get to an open gym tryout on the off chance somebody of import would notice him 3 years ago because he had a kid to feed. I mean, wow.

I was stationed in Alaska for 5 years and saw some great views from the air while I was a Chinook crewmember. I saw Denali up close and the bus from Into the Wild. One of the coolest things was flying to the Arctic Circle as a morale flight so I could take my oath of reenlistment. We landed in a road next to a sign

Fine, I’ll say what everyone’s thinking: Is there a Mister Koritala?

OK just stop right there. I will have none of your bringing logic into this discussion about my good invisible friend Jesus.

There is a solution: vote out the incumbents; vote in younger, fresher blood.

It’s almost like this guy is an incorrigible shitbag.

No one cares about geography, it’s all about television markets, the networks don’t want 5 Texas teams in the Big 12, too much saturation in the state, which means too much overlap with viewers. You want to bring in new viewers.

I live in Nevada and literally do not know a single person who supports this.

Malcolm Gladwell had a great podcast this summer on why nobody in the NBA shoots underhand free throws, even if it would definitely help their percentage. Worth a listen

My suggestion would be to understand the obvious source of confusion, in the preference for she/her pronouns for someone that looks so masculine.

I spent almost 3 straight minutes as Roadhog just constantly being put to sleep by Ana....they have to change this right???

Somehow the Cowboys will fuck this up. This is what I this will happen: