
Getting tackled by a girl is nothing to be ashamed of. Now getting tackled by a kicker...

Title NEIN

Every single one of these cowards knew EXACTLY what Trump was when they endorsed him.

This felt a lot less like Power Rangers and a lot more like Dark Breakfast Club With Superpowers. It quite clearly looks like they are going straight for the YA audience, the same audience, however, the clearly didn’t go see the Allegiant movie.

Im an avid soccer nut and no commercials is one of the best parts. I swear to god Im gonna lose it if they start showing a commercial or two during the action and I dont think its too far away.

Some people might get offended thinking that “ballghazi” makes light of the Benghazi thing. Which it does. And it should. Overinflated nothingburger. We get it, there was a terrorist attack. We can’t stop all of them. Making a mountain out of that particular molehill is exactly why Ballghazi should have caught on.

I think two commenters gave excellent reasons for why in last nights thread.

Say what you want about homeboy’s complete lack of basic self-preservation instincts, but he fucking stuck that landing.

I don’t think she’s great yet or anything, but it sure as fuck beats listening to Kruk and Schilling and Morgan and most other former players they had.

Hey Brooks, glad you could make it to Deadspin!

I saw the first Amazon Prime suggestion and immediately jumped down here to ask what everyone’s so flipping pleased by in The Witch? Why did it get so much “scariest movie ever” hype?

That’s a brutal hit but I don’t see how you could call that anything other than incidental helmet-to-helmet contact.

There is a major disconnect between the shiteater grin of the driver and the terror of the people trying to gather up their kids who luckily escaped being run over. “My bad, my bad.”

You know what these guys need, right?

As Dan Patrick used to say on Sportscenter, “He’s listed as day to day, but, then again, aren’t we all?”

This sounds like laziness. If you’re going to be in the shower why wouldn’t you also wash your legs? It takes like 20 seconds.

The downside to this is having to own a WiiU. *badum TISH*

To be fair, market research determined 90% of the crowd would leave after the 2nd quarter to beat the traffic, so they stocked up accordingly.

Don’t hate the statistics. Hate the people who act and create those statistics. What should a cop say? Look for um, a guy, and stuff, he’s kinda tall and um, not white, but not asian, and not muslim, so ya, “can you guess who?”

You need a push notification for that?