
I never did play this game. I feel like I missed out with this one.

Yea I currently am holding onto my unlimited plan from AT&T and have noticed the past 2 months I’ve gotten a text from AT&T saying I was getting closer to my cap. I also haven’t changed my streaming habits to drastically. But w/e I like the comfort of knowing I still have “unlimited” data.

not really a typical hit. He did a no-no when he put his head down tried to tackle with his head. I hate seeing players do this and don’t know why coaches don’t tell their players to tackle right. I cringe everytime I see a player put his head down and go for a tackle.

when was Red Dead 2 announced? I haven’t heard anything but speculation. do tell.

Bruh...its called the U.S. Open Cup.

well it wouldnt really matter, he wouldnt win a championship in either sport. :P

Justin Wilson wasn’t a NASCAR driver and neither was Ward. Stewart wasn’t driving in a NASCAR vehicle when the incident happened. sooo yea.

LMAO I thought the same thing. As I got further and further in the article I was like “ what the hell is going on here?”

I always say EPL or just Premiere League bc what happens when/if Barclays gets outbid by some other corporation? Are they still gonna be the douche calling it BPL? but yea that guy is being nit-picky as fuck

I’m 30 and can’t swim. Always had a fear of water, especially large bodies of water. Almost drowned twice as a kid in pools and haven’t wanted anything to do with them ever since. Recently thats one fear I do want to try to overcome and finally learn to swim. Not only would it be a good form of exercise ( i definitely

shoulda had a fall guy.

It wasnt in 140 characters or less. TL:DR

or you know, Football’s policy in general.

this sounds good. Ill have to check this out.

its not like it matters anyway. They could slaughter an endangered animal and sacrifice 5 orphan babies(and later sell their organs for money) and people are still going to watch the NFL. They wouldn’t lose any sponsors and as long as they made a statement (something, something, something, I ask God for forgiveness,

Im preeeettty sure he’s talking about the people who willingly work 50+ hours. The workaholics. Not the poor saps with the asshole bosses that volunteer everyone else to work late and on theweekends while they go on vacation. I sympathize with your situation. Now go take a nap, you’ve earned it.

excuse me while i wait a really long time to earn enough to drink myself to death.

Whats always sucked: The Fans

agreed. personally I’ll add in Robin Williams to round out the top 3 for me.

a plastic bowl for $75?!?! wtf?? I mean at least Williams-Sonoma’s $60 Molcajete is more legit because its made of stone. fake ass plastic shit.