
I don’t watch a lot of MMA but have seen the Diaz bros once or it fair to say they’re both huge fat of twats? They sound like a bunch of whiny-baby sore losers.

but I commend him on his recovery and getting back on the right track.

Even though the former NBA player lost millions of dollars, he doesn’t want anyone feeling sorry for him:

I thought that was a phase he went through last year or two? I could be way off though

was this supposed to be funny? I mean, I laugh at just about anything and i didnt even crack a smile.

Um yea...thats not a Brazilian. Brazil NT doesn’t have the polo collar. Thats an Australian jersey/player They even said who it was up top.

Why would they put a German on the Australian cover???

agreed. Even if its just a minority of fans that do shit, its still annoying as hell and makes me hate them. The team on the other hand, can be fun to watch

This was one incident on one night. She definitely has to deal with that multiple times a week. It gets fucking old and she was fed up with it. You shouldn’t be a disrespectful twat and be on your phone when people are trying to enjoy a show. Go the fuck outside and stay there.

The thing is—while we can deplore and mock Silvestri’s thoughtless actions—most of us can also understand his motivation on some level. How many times have you felt the pinch of a dying battery, the attendant anxiety, and gone on a mad quest for an outlet?

I was a little annoyed after seeing tweets about this earlier today but I’ve read somewhere that MLS and a few other corporations are the ones pitching in money to help fund the parade. So i guess thats reasonable for them to have something in the parade. I guess.

No. go back and read an article about the pay difference again.

good for him. I personally cant stand his videos or similar youtubers. I think their videos are loud and obnoxious. But then again if I could do the same thing I would.

Anyone else thing this guy resembles Dave Chappelles playing Prince?

Haha yea I know I saw the dolphin one. Blow hole sex. Wow


On a more selfish note, I’m super excited that Lloyd, Brian and Klingenberg are playing for the Dash when they get back to club soccer. Can’t wait for them to come back home.

Cool, Thanks. Yea just from the little I’ve watched, F1 reminds me of the EPL where you know right from the get go that Chelsea or Man City are going to win it all and people are just wanting to see the shuffle in the rest of the table will be like. I think thats one reason why I find it hard to become fully immersed

So wait then how does that work? Do they just have one huge tank? go till they run out of gas or is the amount of gas in an F1 car coordinate with the track length/# of laps?

Good God. I’ve been on this Earth for 30 years and have never heard of tonsil stones. Out of curiosity I Googled images of this. Ill start by saying it takes a lot to gross me out and seeing images of that shit grossed me the hell out. There was a pic of a shitload of those things on a napkin or something. Ugh. I