
who leaves a game early? bandwagon fans. fans with no dedication.

omg I forgot about this video. Its hilarious. I wish this were a real movie. with the actual cast of GoT.

Well now you know that the spider probably has some insane fangs and probably ate a hole into the case and now has a perfect spider egg receptacle for her babies to grow into. She will sacrifice her body so her babies can be nourished, grow, and survive. So when you least expect it those spiders will either A) outgrow

I just want a Kanye-esque person/player to randomly shout out, “Roger Goodell is a fan of woman beaters!” while Mike Meyers awkwardly stands next to him in shock.

We can’t get rid of him. I mean theoretically they could at the end of the month when they vote a new president in, BUT everyone who pays attention to FIFA knows Sep will win his 4th term. Since every nation gets only one vote regardless of poplulation he has all the small countries in his pocket. He could give a damn


waaay over you’re head.

Pac isnt gonna do crap. He’s gonna lose, Floyd will win like always. Floyd’s gonna dance around the ring and pick up the points where he needs them and win in a decision and thats sad.

I think people on twitter just showed us their vaginas by complaining about that tweet. I found it hilarious. #GotGlue?

A brief appearance by the Black Cornholio @ 1:30

On a nice weather day it’s perfect.

yea clearly talking about Black America. As he said in the video, Black America is what decides whats cool in culture these days...not Dominicans. Which is true to a certain extent.

This article, like, a trillion times.

RIP dat kickball career.

First off, Mayo if only ok in moderation. I'll but a THIN layer on my sandwich or burger and then throw some mustard on the opposite bun. Other than that its FUCKING DISGUSTING!! I have a friend that slathers that shit all over her burgers to the point where it just drips off her food with every bite. She's sick in

might need to get your eyes checked. That baseline view clearly shows Duncan getting all ball first. I thought the same but when you slo mo the second angle you’ll see other wise

Really enjoyed this article. Will definitely have to check out the book soon.

mmmmm, gravy on cake.

Now if only you could find a way to disable the trophy autoscreenshot