the dude to Jay's right was all about Kanye fucking up that speech though!
the dude to Jay's right was all about Kanye fucking up that speech though!
wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man!!!
good god his parents need to die, burn in hell, and have Satan shove pineapples up their asses...DAILY!
oh i thought he was the shaman from Grandmas Boy
im sitting here thinking the same thing. Are they just not that in tune with their bowels?
omg that was insane! I cant even imagine what the hell I would do in that situation.
I highly doubt this is a "fix". NYRB nor anyone else in the league didnt think he was worth the price so pretty much everyone were ready to pass. TFC are the only ones that are dumb enough to overpay for him. They are pretty much trying to do anything to help legitimize themselves as a contender after being a…
Yea thats what I'm thinking too. How are you not financially responsible, even just a little? Unless he's a titty baby. I dont feel sorry for him but at the same time I feel bad for the guy for trusting people that in any normal sense you're supposed to be able to trust. I mean they raised you and took care of you…
Ugh I hate American soccer "fans". They are such assholes and of course they're Chelsea or Arsenal fans. As fucked up as the league, its rules and the commissioner are I still love watching MLS, but maybe its because I live in Houston and we actually have a team. I like watching all kinds of soccer from where ever,…
that's kind of how I got into soccer as well. That and the 99ers women's WC. Same thing happened with hockey, learned through playing video games
Thats cool, LA or whoever else is in the running for him can take that fossil. Ill just be here with my new young Mexican NT player in Cubo Torres.
LMAO yea, thats super douche status.
He's a legend if you're a Liverpool fan. Like Dan Marino is a legend if you're a Dolphins fan.
What? No! whats the matter with you man?!
I dont feel bad for him at all. Thats NOT how you fucking tackle, you concussed clown! Get outta here.
Is this the first time anyone has heard Suhs name this season? I know its my first time.
yep, I sure did expand an all of those damn pics
but you can't (or shouldn't because lets face it, Americans are stupid) read GLfDR on your morning commute, or while at work.
fucking right??? that chicks voice man, I almost stopped listening the first time I heard her voice.