
whats wrong with that logo?

A similar thing happened in Mexico and it was the same setup except in a dirt area. The driver made a jump, landed hard and was knocked unconscious and killed a few people. Who organizes these things? dont they know that this stuff isnt safe to be that close?

you dont get 218 hits by playing it safe man!

dammit thats adorable! haha

aha, that makes way more sense

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yep that was what I thought. Or this other stuff

wow this one kicked the Madden trailers ass, though I thought the Madden trailer was garbage with celebs in it. I am a little biased also. I havent bought a Madden game since I think '10 or '11. They get boring to me after a while, whereas Fifa I can play year round until the next version comes out.

That nuh still cant read though

agreed, this was my first ip digital download and im glad i did. UPS delivery times are always random.

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Are we sure this was a football game? This looks like a normal quinceñera to me. At least the ones I've been to. Only thing missing was the Dj in the background spinning a reggaeton/Selena mix and a random lady yelling "Juunior!! Stop it Junior, you're gonna violate your parole" oh and everyone has these random party

I was really excited for this game as I havent bought a hockey game in 2 years but hearing that all these features are cut is ridiculous. How do you have no control over your draft picks? anyway, the only way Ill pick this one up is if I find it super cheap somewhere, but other than that Ill wait for a better version

dont lie bruh, thats you all day erryday...well except when you're at work...then you throw on your hoodie.

he either has never learned or has never bothered to care about the importance of looking presentable in public, of being taken seriously, of appearing to give a damn. In my experience, these people are almost always also uncool.

Going head first into home I guess.

My thing is, what do players have to worry about. He has a man already and plus, look at Sams twinky bf. There's no one in the locker room that looks like Sam's type. The only one that might worry would be the scrawny kicker.

This was a stupid video. It's a damn kids movie. I was hoping for some interesting conspiracy theory stuff, like the Rugrats and Courage the Cowardly Dog theories. BUT if you watch this movie in slow motion it sounds like hes that made it a bit more bearable

Stupidest request ever. Unless of course you can be a bearded lady!

that was like the first 2 minutes of the game!!!

Just play it. the first time you see the ghost is the scariest part. after that you just get frustrated with the whole thing...just like the comic above says.

As a racer, a Professinonal one at that, it's his (Stewart's) job to pay attention to everything on a race trace. The fact there was a caution (yellow flag) out only amplifies this. He saw Ward and if he didn'the wasn't doing his job.