These are pretty damn good. especially on a hot day.
These are pretty damn good. especially on a hot day.
yea its called soccer.
Bradley was canned by Egypt after they failed to qualify. He's coaching in Norway now.
faking? Did you not see the dudes knee bend in a way a knee normally shouldnt bend? thats not faking. I saw this on a vine shortly after it happened and I was able to see right away that this wasnt going to be good for either players.
Beautiful! +1
He links to videos of her in these outfits.
wow, this chick is crazy talented. and pretty hot. But that voice though, its not working for me. Still, her Youtube page is pretty awesome.
Hope that, in the future, all is well, everyone eats free, no one must work, all just sit around feeling love for one another.
This guy is typical Baahston trash. I mean look, he takes the ball from right in front of the kids face and then seems to be talkin some smack while looking at him. Then he turns to and smiles as he hands the ball to whoever is to his right. That aint right.
ooh awkward...the girls from each row on the far right clearly dont like each other. they gave each other the "ratchet bitch hug"
btw, being a Texan from the Carcinogenic Capital, I laughed my ass off when I saw this scene in the movie.
pshh I hope not, im a J.Johnson & Smoke fan myself. I'd like to see either of them win it...again!! haha
I hate that horse-mouthed bastard Keselowski.
There was this one time when I was trying to escape a buttload of DUP and was neon-running, then jumped in the air and kept on running. The lights from the neon were so bright that when I jumped, I actually jumped up and over a bridge...and into the water. LOL. I just remember the majority of the screen going black,…
Jesus Christ man, spell check your shit before you hit enter. You're making us TexaNs look silly.
+1 LOL fucking hell, I was about to bitch about your post until i read the end. Fantastic!
Not a chance. FIFA doesn't care about stuff like that as long as they get those fat checks from Qatar. People have been talking about this since they started preparing for the WC and Sepp Blatter doesn't do anything but look the other way. Sure he might respond to questions about WC'22 there but those responses are…