
Agreed, this picture is just dumb...I dont even watch the draft. Hell that's what Twitter is for! Someone needs to catch up with the times...NFL!

yea i know. I had Parappa flashbacks.

+1 holy shit i laughed so hard at that one.

Wii U sux, Im going to Sony.

He isnt just a regular dude. If he wasnt such a dumbass thug, he'd still be playing in the NFL, but apparently the Vicks are a bunch of screw ups.

Janelle Monae has an amazing voice. I saw her while she was touring a few years back.


Marlin sculpture display now comes alive when other teams score!!

Marlin sculpture display now comes alive when other teams score!!

yea for real?! better yet lets just get rid of Les Alexander...hell Jim Crane too! with the whole Comcast Sports bullcrap he's pulling and the shitty team he's putting out there. As for Les, I'm glad that AEG decided they weren't going to sell the Dynamo. He would probably run that team to the ground. Yea I'm going to

I wouldnt know, either Comcast or Fox Soccer is messed up where im at. So i just got a black screen.

They're looking to relocate to Des Moines

FUCKING RIGHT?!?!?!?! I was heartbroken when i heard that news today. guess I should go to as many Aeros games as I can before season end...which isnt far away.

its like that in just about every sport though. now there are some players that are loyal in sports, but the majority just care about the next paycheck. But I get what you're saying, especially if Bale leaves soon. :(

well if you were sprinting 75 yards, balls to the wall to catch another player...what would YOU do? you cant honestly sit there and say you'd be like "Naww, im good, ill just run my ass in the other direction i just came from" i think there are a lot of ppl who would at least take a knee.

I know I've posted this image before but the Xazmin Garza article was stupid...Skip Bayless level idiocracy. So she deserves this.

my thoughts

thats a pretty funny April Fool's joke

goddamn you Cheap Beer! haha

NOPE!!! haha I dont wanna!!!