If Ahsoka already has the moral High Ground, does the show even matter?
If Ahsoka already has the moral High Ground, does the show even matter?
I’ll always praise Joss Whedon’s long take on the opening of Serenity (2005) as one of the best. Yes, it’s over 4 mins long and probably two scenes spliced together- but it’s seamless and holds up to multiple viewings. It gives you the size and scope of an entire lived-in spaceship along with its great cast/cast of cha…
I love how these commenters don’t realize/can’t accept that there’s been a Shadow Cabinet running the Swamp since the Military-Industrial Complex established during the Cold War with the USSR gained a strong grip on society.
“Although we accept and consider all votes received by users, not all votes have the same impact (or ‘weight’) on the final rating.”
I’m wondering where the revolution in clean mining of lithium/other metals, or even a revolution in battery recycling technology will come from.
Notable Absentees:
NE GA (where I live) - Pickups (mostly Ford with Chevy, Toyota and even a few Rams).
Loved the show as a kid. Superman had training in the Fortress of Solitude (from the Chris Reeves movie), but Ralph had the misfortune of losing the book and learning everything on the go. William Katt was awesome to meet in person at DragonCon (2007 or 08?). He was brought to real tears seeing kids and adults alike…
When will anyone admit that Transgenderism is Anti-Woman? That Dylan “I still have my man bits” Mulvaney being a spokesperson for Bud Light is more of a setback to women’s rights than the ‘Swedish Bikini Team’ ever was for Old Milwaukee? Look at their stock... it’s a laughing stock.
Cool careers instead of cool people.
Considering Bidenflation, the higher prices seem reasonable and logical. As others have noted, will the books be worth it? Probably not. I’m still in buyer’s remorse from the Spelljammer and Witchlight fiascos.
My favorite Uncle George Carlin quote, proof he was a classical liberal - libertarian - not a modern liberal (socialist/communist):
Yet still, almost 50 years later, the “Seven Words You Can’t Say on Television” are essentially true - at least on Network TV.
A U-Haul truck stopped by good curbing so as to not even make it through the fence. An otherwise empty vehicle except for a Nazi flag - because Sai Varshith Kandula is such a typical Aryan name.
One day, we’ll get a faithful version to the Hans Christian Andersen original where there’s no Happily Ever After - just the story of a tempestuous girl throwing her life away because she thought she understood Love.
Maybe the assailant drank some of that ‘completely uncontaminated’ water near East Palestine, OH.
Babylon 5 was the little show that changed everything. All space sci-fi to that point was anthological. It was made on an almost shoestring budget in an orange warehouse in CA near an airport (see the blooper reels of “Plane!”). Joe Straczynski changed TV with CGI battles (at the time cheaper than making and blowing…
No Honorable Mention for the original?
The Bab5 reboot is still in Development Hell. At least we’re getting an animated B5 movie - Babylon 5: The Road Home - with most of the living voices returning to their roles.
Rahi Chadda