
For Spielberg films, JAWS is my #1 as well. Great write-up here. I remember being a kid in the theatre (on my birthday) watching the Air Jaws style attack on the Turner boy, and my Dad later saying it was the most realistic attack in the film as the “Fin above the Water” was not the way a predator would attack. Mom

Same here! Gen X’ers unite. - though these days I do say things like “In my day, we (insert feat here) and we liked it!” like my grandpa and Dad used to do.

At least Kilborn gave you “A moment of Zen” at the end of each episode. Heck, I refer to my early morning view of the mountains just before I get to the office as my own “moment of Zen”. John Stewart Leibowitz was good at the beginning but the show eventually took its toll on him as well.

No, but he might remember when Levar Burton was Kunta Kinte in 1977's Roots long before being Geordie LaForge in ST:TNG... and not just that guy from Reading Rainbow”.

Sound advice. I like Dave Ramsey. BTW, even Clark “splits 2 ply toilet paper” Howard says to wait until a bit longer for buying a used car - he’s anti-New car.

For all the woke shit about white male supremacy, they fail to mention that white males are the most likely race-gender demographic to commit suicide. Whites are twice as likely as the other groups to commit suicide, and Males are 3.5 times more likely than females. Result is 70% of all suicides are WM, most by

In the immortal words of Hughie Freeman:

I’ve heard of people calling the cops about these things. Me? I’d take a pic then hit up the local police on social media. Better still, just text it to my cop friends. My friends would love it if they can nail the guy in the act, then remind him of his various unpaid fines. You can do your civic duty without getting

Agreed. I remember seeing Cutthroat Island in theaters with a date. We both agreed it stank for a multitude of reasons but not bc of Geena Davis - who we loved in A League of Their Own and the reason we decided to see it. Likewise, I like Margot Robbie but seriously doubt I’d go to a theater to see her as a pirate. A

I remember when it’s was “Pro-Life”, instead of Anti-Abortion.

Democrats were trying to rest power away from Republicans.”

Considering the volatile nature of Warnock’s election, his constant support for Inflationary spending (unlike Ossoff), and his shortened term as Senator (special election after Isakson retired), is it possible Haley misspoke and just wants Warnock out of office - not be part of Marcus Garvey’s “Back to Africa”

Where’s the update to this story since Chevy is no longer selling the Spark?

All Hail Brother Bartholomew, cleric in service to the deity Chad, God of Comfortable Shoes.

Indeed. Back then it was more of a case of “Which Audi will win?” than “If...”.

The R8, R10, R15, R18... I’ve loved them all. I felt gut punched when Audi withdrew from PLM in favor over the WEC races and doubly so when they left WEC all together.

I’d have Ollie #1, Sara #2, Thawne #3. Felicity #4 then Barry #5.

Why isn’t anyone calling for an assault hammers ban? How about having more, and more thorough, background checks to buy hammers? While we’re at it, how about pitchforks and torches too? I understand quite a few people in CA aren’t happy with the recent actions of their elected officials.

As one of the myriad adults who first watched Gundam with the boy band of Gundam Wing, I’m enjoying this series. So far Suletta is giving me Atra (from MSG:IBO) vibes in terms of mannerisms and personality. The F/F stuff doesn’t bother me at all since I’m aware of the lengths that Japanimation will go to if that’s

Don’t forget the long list of love interests for Batman from the Burton-Schumacher era: Vickie Vale, Selina Kyle, Dr. Chase Meridian, and Julie Madison. One-and-done disposable girlfriends who all knew Bruce as Batman.