
Yeah, but the CIA set up numerous shell companies to buy the materials. The Soviets likely didn’t really know to whom they were selling until Johnson misspoke in calling the RS-71 the SR-71. Yep, before Nixon, no one dared to correct the POTUS.

The Mail reports that right now the two ships are being stored in a German shipyard in Wismar. However, that yard will soon be used to build military vessels. That means the Global Dreams have to be out of there by the end of next year.”

My biggest issue with EVs is the long road trip. My Santa Fe can be refueled in far less than half an hour - including any waiting on my wife and kids to finish their pit stops - which seems to be the sweet spot for EV recharge on fast chargers. A trip from home (north of ATL) to Disney World, FL, is only one pit/fuel

Yes. Justices Thomas, Sotomayor, Kagan, Barrett, and Jackson are all white men. No optometrist needed there. 

In all fairness and transparency, CA had some of the toughest Jim Crow laws in the nation before St. Reagan - such as in 1945 when a Miscegenation [Statute] was passed that Prohibited marriage between whites and “Negroes, mulattos, Mongolians and Malays.”

Notice that most, if not all, of these states are currently Democrat governed - but several lost US House seats to Republican states after the last Census. Wonder if they’ll continue to lose population and influence after this ban takes effect?

“It’s Conspiracy Theory. Singular.” - the Question, JLU (VA was Jeffrey Coombs) Seriously though, even Bill Maher is now talking about the Hunter story. It’s fact more so than fiction.  

Yet no one in GIZMODO is running Zuckerberg’s admission on Joe Rogan that the FBI asked Facebook to squash the Hunter Biden laptop story leading up to the 2020 election.

Not surprising to read about the fuel leak since this is a Franken-rocket canniblized from both the Shuttle and Constellation programs.

I wish him well. I know he’s had some personal issues but he’s always been a fun driver to watch in other series.

Took the time to write this article yet:

“Toyota Rukus. Known as the Xb in other countries. Horrid idea for a car.

I see your point but I don’t think it will affect my game much. VTTs are nice, but with the investment that both my group and self have made with battle maps, nice vinyl campaign maps, plus more minis (characters and terrain) than we have room for, We will not likely use this tool at all.

I thought the #1 rule of cosplay was “work with what you got”. Thin AARP member men like myself don’t make for convincing muscle bound barbarians but we do make good wizards, Kings, and various aliens.

As an Eternal at DragonCon for over 20 years, I can attest that many of the cosplayers with better/bulkier/more elaborate costumes have minions/squires. Many, like my wife and I, do have really nice cosplays that are fully functional and require no assistance for bathroom breaks, eating lunch, etc

Having Kimi in a race is always a “Win”. Just hope he remembers where the access roads are... lol

No mention of the suspension of a Senate mandated COVID test before voting! Otherwise, the Dems (concerned over exposure with Biden) might not have had the 50 votes to move it to Kamala “Border Czarina” Harris to tie-break.

GM has also teased a fully electric Corvette coming in the near future.”

The real cost of “going green” is going to be the Battery issue. Given that the best batteries are made with are literally called “Rare Earth” metals, there must be a supply issue - at some point. Also, Does anyone know how those batteries get refurbished/refreshed? Since all rechargeable batteries seem to lose their

It’s still a Chevy. Compared to other builds, will it be worth the investment?