
Considering how smoking remains popular among many Hollywood celebs and the affluent, I can understand luxury brands appealing to their demographic.

Odd how easily people forgot how Mad Maxine called on her audience to gang up and attack conservatives at restaurants and gas stations, but bravely left when the “Drain The Swamp” crowd showed up.

I dunno. I’ve seen bigger wings on smaller cars with much less hp.

I was a juvenile, but my “Old Marine” Dad had just turned 40 that month. It was the mid-1980s. Dad’s dream car was a C3 Corvette Stingray (‘63-’67 body style). We bought a white ‘65 coupe (327/365) with a Holley carburetor, a Hurst shifter and about 100k on the engine. Not a show car, but a driving car. We purchased

Adam and Jay Leno do a great job making learning about cars fun. I’d rather watch Jay Leno’s Garage than newer Top Gear episodes.

I had the good fortune to meet her at the 2003 DragonCon. Such a lovely lady to the fans. I remember she was very generous with praise for to cosplayers, stating she loved all of the positive energy oCon.

Con artists sell schemes without taking on a new persona - like Bernie Madoff. Grifters do both.

Some people are trying to make a new version of an El Camino SUV, kinda like that fugly Avalanche.

I like the Starfleet looking logo. Considering what the Chinese are doiing - circumventing a UN resolution to not weaponize space by planning the placement of Nukes or possibly a Railgun in Space- I’m giving Orange Man Bad the benefit of a doubt.

TPTB should have just re-cast Luke Skywalker with Sebastian Stan. Looks close enough and definitely can do the stunt work.

Not surprising if Vettel were to say otherwise, since legend has it that Michael trained him to race in the rain - which I recall Steve Matchett claiming during Vettel’s superb performance for Toro Rosso in the 2008 Italian Grand Prix. Everyone but Matchett staked a claim that Kovalainen would pass it on lap 1.

I’m a GenX, born Labor Day 1971, been watching F1 on/off/on since the 1970s - back when Monaco was basically a Memorial day tradition on ABC along with the Indy500- with my Dad (RIP).

“...other people will always say that Aryton Senna is the greatest driver of all time...”

Valid points, but Musk is an innovator. The status quo isn’t good enough for him. He’s pushing limits, but knows that a truck should be (and look) functional and rugged. Also, something has to set it apart from other EV concepts like the Hyundai RAD 45 EV (though I’m more likely to seriously look at something based on

Sorry, but many of us refer to people by old names simply as a way of remembering how old they were.

Really? Dang it. After watching ‘evil’ Optimus in that Transformers sequel, I think we missed a golden opportunity for Cullen as black clad big rig but at least with had the Knight Automated Roving Robot - in both the original and remake Knight Rider shows.

and don’t forget that the A-Team - unlike Imperial Stormtroopers - were SOOOOO good as mercenaries that they deliberately missed the bad guys.

So I’ve got til February for TPTB to work out some of the bugs before I update my S10. Fingers Crossed.

I’ve always hoped that Cooper would make an exclusive, super sporty, black and white trimmed model with free sunglasses called