
I respectfully disagree. Bernie is Bernie. The fact that He alone took the risk of buying TV rights, then offered to spread the love/responsibility (flatly turned down by Enzo and other owners), and thus has profited - I can’t dislike the guy. Envy him perhaps. Bernie has always had a great number of detractors, but

Full disclosure - I still play Torchlight II. with a desktop and 24" monitor.

Great. Just what we need - another “Stealth Archer”

At the risk of sounding like a Negative Nancy, I have no interest in another LMP category - especially the old Prototype Challenge support race brought into multi-class racing.

Sounds great but the $500 question is will Elder Scrolls - SKYRIM for PS4 play on the PS5? Wife has been obsessed with the game since Christmas 2013.

Agreed. “-phobe” is becoming more of a way to ostracize someone for a differing opinion (generally Politically Incorrect - before Maher usurped the phrase). It’s no longer about hate, but optics.

Live Action - SPEED RACER (2008) - over the top, physics breaking action, Very Good Casting, as bright and cheerful as any cartoon can be translated to live-action.

I still don’t understand how/why felons should have that privilege when they broke the Law. As Sammy Davis once sang, “Don’t do the crime, if you can’t do the time - Yeah, don’t do it.”

Rob Reiner selectively forgets that POTUS is a full 4 year term. When Scalia died in early 2016, Reiner’s chosen/POTUS Obama nominated Merrick Garland as SCOTUS justice. Obama would make several eloquent speeches on why he constitutionally had to do so and why Senate Republicans were evil for not doing their

Given that both Trump boys Kavanaugh and Gorsuch have rightfully gone against Trump on SCOTUS opinions, I’m not worried.

Hate to disagree and have a nerd fight but I always felt G’Kar was better, but the chemistry between those two made it a coin toss. Short fun story:

Don’t blame the Harley riders at Sturgis for practicing their own religion. These folks are living by the own credo. They know we’ll all die from something - so they’ll enjoy Life while they can.

Exactly. CDC says that HI for COVID19 will occur at about 70% being infected and recovered - barring a vaccine.

My doctors (yes, plural) have all stopped doing telemedicine appointments and have gone back to in-person visits.

It’s really hard to explain unless you’ve witnessed it yourself.

*adjusts tinfoil cap*

Wait! No blasting Nick Sandmann? The white kid who’s getting paid millions by CNN and other media outlets for the crime of being a white kid smirking at a mentally ill Amiercan Indian dude (with a white name) screaming in his face? Mostly because the white kid was wearing a MAGA hat a an Anti-Abortion Rally?

Jeremiah Birkett aka Lee, or better still “Mr Said Our Bitch”, as been a favorite guest star of ours (wife and mine) since Lucifer called him “Mum” and left him in briefs wearing a tiara. His portrayal of a hapless crook looking for the bug score is a trope but he plays it with such charm.

Fauci predicted in April 2020 that there would be between 100-200,000 US deaths - even with the shutdown

Tulsi Gabbard made all the best arguments against Kamala holding any kind of higher office. Kamala: