I 100% agree with you. And I understand that. Just can't wait to see the Giants one. Until I see it I'm going to call out the BS in these articles. I did the same on the steelers one. I can't stand the steelers
I 100% agree with you. And I understand that. Just can't wait to see the Giants one. Until I see it I'm going to call out the BS in these articles. I did the same on the steelers one. I can't stand the steelers
You know that everyone in new york has a "team" and another NY team that they hate. Giants fans hate Jets fans....Yankees fans hate mets fan....Rangers fans are unaware of the Islanders. So stop with this coy bs
Hasn't the entire NFL seen a decline in defense since around then? Hasn't the league become more pass happy/offensive? Haven't we seen a slew of offensive records broken?
Ohhh. Ok.
You don't get the vibe TOO much from Drew. You just scroll down the "latest stories" and deadspin takes a steaming pile of crap on everyone EXCEPT for new york (well..they poop on the jets but who doesn't?) The only reason it bothers me so much is because they say they are "Sports News Without Access, Favor, or…
Yea, I've learned you can't really try to throw any logic or intelligence into these Deadspin articles. Pretty much everyone just tries to "zing" a one liner in the comments and all the articles pretty much say "I love all new york teams" But yea, he says they haven't won since 2004 due to cheating, but makes no…
That wasn't the point. The pats still have 3 super bowls. But for him to say that they haven't won a superbowl since 2004, because they cheated??? Ok so they still went to the super bowl twice? Can't you just say they haven't won a super bowl since 2004 because the Giants beat them? It's just talking out of both…
Ya. You just NEVER see anything trash the big new york teams (the jets don't count). So I'm just intrigued how the "Giants" "Why your team sucks" goes. Deadspin/gawker may actually have to hire someone else to do it.
I'm just saying. If their ONLY success was due to cheating, then I guess they are only better than 28 other teams when they don't cheat right? You can't talk out of both sides of your mouth.
I realize that.
I realize that. I just can't wait for the Giants one.
No wonder the Patriots haven't won a Super Bowl since 2004
EVERYONE at Football Outsiders is a Pats fan (which explains that site's reluctance to give the Giants ANY credit for winning two Super Bowls against them)
Vikings fan*
Np. I guess drew is a seahawks fan anyway. I just wanted to see HOW they would pull off a NY Giant one as I feel quite the NY Bias in alot of the gawker media stuff. Kind of makes sense considering it's based out of NY though. Still better than the Boston bias of Barstool (and I'm from Boston)
Oh yea I'm aware of the whole series. I'm just waiting for the Giants one. That's all.
Also, wouldn't be surprised to see if MLB investigates pizzahut.com as a fake website
So when does Deadspin do an article about how the Yanks are connected to more and more PED guys. I wonder if the yanks knew about Colon and Melky and just got some good time out of them and then let them explode somewhere else. Colon, Melky, A-Rod, Petite, Clemens, Giambi...
It could be worse. He could be Eli Manning.