
I heard that it's going to be 10x the size of Red Dead Redemption, but you play a giant and everyone else are giants too!

In other words, without scale, it's all a bit mind/eye boggling.

I would like to understand why a video game should be viewed differently than, say, a car. IE, when I sell my used car to someone else, the car manufacturer doesn't seem to care that they don't get a slice of the second-hand sale, yet game publishers do.

It seems like sony´s at least learned some lesson from the MS debacle. If you don´t have a coherent message, don´t give official interviews. I cannot believe the mess that MS´s PR department has made of this.

And we look forward to reporting that story! Any anonymous insiders who don't want to wait several years are welcome to email me. :)

EA said they're dropping that. Sony hasn't gone full retard yet

oh my god I read through the first half of your post trying to imagine what the fuck a "frozen mouth" would look like LOL