
Looks like it was designed by Teenage Engineering. 

I feel like they need to get Keanu Reeves as Johnny Silverhand to market it.

I think Jalop is driving it home because of the two holidays coming up very soon.

Just remembered my username when it popped up in the comment box, should be enough of my rant. But, early 2000's Passat, 1.8T, manual. Loved it. Enough power for me, looks, layout of the dash, a real backseat for people, large trunk. Served my family of 4 just fine. Took it in around 2007 for full tune up including

Even if you say they have no power, there is still power in calling people idiots. New Car Smell? It’s really just the glue they used. Possibly similar in the Steam Deck’s case. You are huffing glue or other chemical byproducts.  Go my Darwinian fledglings.  Fly as far as your Darwinian approach will take you.

Selling cannabis should be treated the same as selling homebrew beer: a tax code violation.

Nah, fuck that. Let ‘em sell*. If it’s not going to be legalized at a federal level then someone’s gotta.

You are wildly out of step with the modern world.

Eh, even if they have intent to sell, I’m still with Rafi on this one.

Nobody should being booked for weed unless DUI.

@ Jeremy the Klansman — I read your comment below in the grays, and I’m not the least bit sorry that you feel persecuted by all the social criticism against “racist” white males.

Want a small Jeep? Buy an import.

Now that guy has an axe to grind.  He’d better get to it.

“I felt like I knew more than they did,” Richards said.

Could these guys be working on childhood cancer or something. at this point i really dont think anyone cares if a rocket car with no other function or benefit to society can go real fast in perfect conditions.

Oh, the humanity!

At this point, I’m pretty sure that literally everything we make as a chemical product is in some ways severely harming the environment in some way.

I remember the halcyon days of aught-fifteen. Why, for 6 pence I could away myself for a day, nibbling horehound drops, chasing hoops, and catching frogs. The gasoline burning engine had become near commonplace, as wainwrights turned their shingles.

I’m shocked.

On a side note, trail maps for those of us that have color deficiency (color blind) vision just suck! Purple and blue lines all over a map are hard as hell to tell apart and the green lines are invisible.