
Enemy Territory was always free. How is that noteworthy?

Hey I don’t kink shame. You do you!

This is probably the best take on this, in all the comments on this article. The thing about supercars is they were what you wanted on a posted on your wall. It doesn’t matter that a modestly souped up Mini can outrun and out handle a Countach - you still know which one you want up on that wall...

So this show is for artists who dare to envision a future where every bike that is for use on the roads is a cafe racer?

This thing is like a discount 340R, with none of the things that make the 340R desirable. I’m at once  both horrified, and intrigued...

I want to drop my jaw at the price, but it’s TE. Their stuff is pretty good - aside from their PC case. I’ve got a lot of Pocket Operators, an I’d dearly love an OP-1, but again...$1200 price tags....

Yeah. He already doesn’t care about the law. No chance he’s gonna stop flying.

It’s almost as kids who get their business funded by daddy, and never have to work a real day in their lives, have no idea what life is like for the average person...

The top image gives me the vibe of like...a Bugatti swallowing a cool looking car, like that magnetic putty does to metal cubes...

I’m not sure you could make that thing worse, if you tried. It’s like they did every single thing possible to make it an abomination...

I’d fill up with refined goat urine, if it meant we could stop relying on liquified dinosaurs to make everything go. At least with this stuff, there’s at least one good use for Scotch...

Well, at least they saved themselves the awkwardness of naming it the #2...

I think I’d do pretty decent at B Spec, and definitely LeMons racing, maybe the silly European rallycross races. I have no illusions about my lack of experience outside of virtual racing. I’ll keep it humble, and have some fun.

We prefer the term “necessary evil”. It gets the sentiment closer to the bullseye, and allows them to excuse how they treat us.

IT workers have been getting screwed by contracts like these for longer than I’ve been in IT (26 years next month). Golly it would’ve been nice if someone cared as much about that, at some point...

Come ON, Steve...You know this car wasn’t even available for sale, no less actually showing up in dealerships until basically the end of last month. Hell, they’re only just now starting to show up on posts on Reddit, or other enthusiast sites.

That’s all handy to know, thanks! I haven’t played AC in several years, because I haven’t had the spare budget to throw at a wheel setup. I’ll definitely keep an eye on the progress, as my budget has gotten a lot more free in recent months...

RIGHT?! Seriously good work on the glass.

I love how well they nailed the rain on the windows, but I can’t help but be disappointed, by comparison (especially because the effects on the windows are so good), by the generic puff clouds coming off the back of the cars - especially when those are still there through most of a couple of those tunnels, where the

I think they’ll probably be riding the high of long time readership falling for the bait and switch on the reposts for a hot minute. Within a month, I’d be surprised if they got anywhere near the clicks. I’m likely not the only one that’s started reading the byline before clicking, so I don’t click on more articles