
Even without the HOA, keep the Durango and Crossfire, and sell everything else for scrap. The Jag is the only other halfway interesting one, but it’s too far gone.

I fucking love that they put a service dog sticker on it, and that it has its own doggy bed. I would have it no other way.

What, you don’t like the look of a 40 year old VHS tape, recorded on a flip phone camera, played at 3fps?

When they’ve included magazines with articles or cover shots of the model (especially for this mundane a vehicle), you know they’re up their own as about how special it is. CP, because you know the seller inflated the price by a grand or more, just because they’re so enamored with what they imagine to be a legendary

This is a nice car. At twice the price it should be.

There is nothing you could say about this thing that makes it worth more than say, $3,000 - and that’s giving them some extra credit for how clean it is. Just because it’s old, doesn’t mean it’s classic. These were boring, hardly capable of much, and it’s from an era where “safety” meant “sorry about your skull”. In

That 4 color CGA color palette really shows the definition on all of the colors available - as long as those colors were cyan, magenta, white, and black...

Aaaah, Test Drive. My first foray into automotive obsession...

The head gaskets on any turbocharged EJ25 aren’t the ones that became memes because of how often they fail. Those are only fitted to the non-turbo models, and any owner worth a damn replaces them with the steel ones from the turbo models at their earliest opportunity.

The government can reveal data down to the census block level and still assure enough anonymity that the data can be released for public consumption. Releasing a count of cases without names attached, in a factory that employs hundreds (or thousands, not familiar with this specific factory, but I know there are plants

The only way she CAN eat it’s like...a reverse allergy? She physically can not eat them unless there is cheese? Like, she’s allergic to onions outside the presence of lactose?

No, but you didn’t make sense. Huron and Michigan share their water supply via an isthmus, but the St Clair river is a very long stretch of seaway to consider “part of” Lake Huron. The Detroit River is half the length, so using that sort of logic, wouldn’t that make St. Clair part of Lake Eerie instead?

How do you figure Lake St Clair is Lake Huron? They’re separated by over 40 miles of river...

There’s actually a delivery service for one of the pubs nearby that will deliver you booze by boat.

Having parents that lived on Harsens Island (the island surrounding the bay this happens in) for nearly two decades, this doesn’t surprise me in the least. Jobbie Nooner is an excuse for halfwits to drink ther remaining wit away. On an average summer day, there are a couple ambulances that run by the road past my

Hey neat, a trans pride Civic! Too bad they basically had to destroy it to paint it...

This price would be CP even without the slushbox. I love this generation of Z28, but c’mon...$20k buys any number of cars that outperform it in every meaningful way.

I am Jack’s total lack of surprise.

At this price, it would need to be an R/T. Too many better FWD cars in this price range.

Boooooooooring. The only thing keeping this thing from being entirely beige is some metal flake in the paint. CP above LeMons price, and even then I’d buy something else.