Ye gods YES. He DOES. can I just put this in caps but RIGHT a BLOODY WAY.
Ye gods YES. He DOES. can I just put this in caps but RIGHT a BLOODY WAY.
The key is humanity- I have had one (only one, thank whatever deity you're into) "nasty" smear experience and it was awful. The guy was angry and violent. I went home and beld and cried. My vulva was ripped. It was...horrible.
They should have numbed you. The cervix is (as you have experienced) very nerve rich...
Colposcopy and LEEP are generally rather more painful. It's not a bigger speculum, but it's a more painful procedure (but totes worth it, hope you're all OK now.) A pap is just a wee scrape, but a LEEP is a full on removal of a whole layer of cells.
Depends what it is. Routine smear? A tad undignified, but fine. I had an IUD put in as a nulliparoud female and that smarted a bit. But I have had two very unpleasant experiences..once with a rather "angry" doc and one with a med student (forgiven, she was just learning.) SOme poeple have things like vaginismus…
Annually? Here in Europe its every 3 years...
Yes, if you have vaginismus then they can be very painful. there are therapies that can help though.
If you find them that unpleasant (and no one enjoys them) then perhaps you should ask for a mild relaxant? However, If you have a lot of issues actually inserting the speculum (i.e actual physical block/extreme pain, not just "urgh") you may have a form of vaginismus, which can be quite painful. If that's the case,…
Well.. I'm a scientist and I totally am fine with "yeah, wherever you have to poke, poke." I'm quite relaxed about procedures ( I have a genetic disorder that requires frequent needles/intervention so I'm kinda chilled about whatever..) Most pap smears are undignified but totally fine...
No... you arch an eyebrow and give them a witty but ultimately devastating critique on why this Is A Bad Thing.
Thank you. I felt the same. Sweden is a very , very tolerant and gender-neutral society. For someone to say's a real jaw dropper!
I don't belive in evil either. The horrifying thing about this is that is seen as par for the course if you're attending school. Nigeria is a country with abundant natural resources. This is a terrible crime, in a country which should have waelth for all, but is still mired with a corrupt government, and a societal…
Yup, yup I totally agree. And I kind of feel that we (as ladeez) need to hold oursleves to a higher standard, which of course is an erroneous way of thinking, we shouldn't... but ...
Education of women is pretty much the fastest, cheapest and most effective way to lift a country out of the dark ages. Women are the gatekeepers of the societal framework and the backbone of village/rural civil society.
Confucious said that a nation that only educates its men is like a warrior that only trains one arm.
This does need to be mainpaged. This needs to be screamed from the rooftops. Even ONE girl (or boy) taken from a classrom to be a child soldier or sex slave needs to be screamed from the rooftops.
Person #3. Let me say one thing to you first. "Be kind to yourself." Actually, let me say two things to you, and add "this too shall pass."
Yup. it's not even the expense that's the's about being honest with each other. I understand that families might want balance, but if you desparately want a girl (or boy) but the answer is not to keep blindly trying and having kids you can't afford. That's a recipe for marital discord :( It's surely better…
she needs to take her partners wishes into account, that is not healthy. they could do pre implantation sex determination if its that important. it's possible he just has a prepoderance of y bearing sperm!
Awful. And you just know this will be used to propagate the "bitches be crazy" idea. This kind of crap does not help us as feminists! If you're in a happy, settled couple then it's a JOINT descicion to have another (or a first) baby. (of course I know that accidents happen and of course in that case the issue is…