
Absolutely. Kids have this great sense of wonder, they are natural scientists. Spark those questions with your nephews. Gather materials like this, which use simple things to explain mindblowing shit. You have a unique (trusted, but non parental) influence on them. Give them that sense of wonder, and open their eyes

He's great. Absolutely great. I love this. I love how he engages the kids, challenges them and then explains the theories they came up with, whilst keeping them totally hooked. ..such a great science educator. I'm a scientist and I am forever setting up "so take this..." examples in real life to show people.. I'll be

Weeeeeell into their 70s :) I am friends with a diverse group of folks of all ages and the ones in happy relationships, even in their 70s (late 70s) are actually pretty active. I say this from experience. The last camping/hiking trip I wnet on, we were shattered and the couple in the next room were...ahem...loud.

Just 'cos you're in your 30s, doesnae mean it's limited. I plan on jumping my boy as soon as he walks in the door. :)

Oh not ambivalent at all. And what a perceptive question, thank you. I would say that I was a tad more insecure as a younger woman. I wasn't as keen to ask for what I wanted, or what would please me, and I think I sometimes put myself in situtations that I wouldn't do now.

Do so! There's a specific model (I'm not sure which) that my tall, broad shouldered dude friends say is the bees knees. The internet will enlighten you I am sure. A year does rock, we are exceedingly lucky here in Scandiwegia. We do pay 55% tax though, and it is dark half the year, don't envy us too much! Lovely that

Come back to me (pun intended) in ten years time. Also, just go and enjoy it while it lasts, boyo. I had one hell of a fun time time at uni and in my 20s generally.

No you can't. Being a racist is inexcusable whether you're the only or the only but one person in your country/group etc. I still think you're a troll. You're quite good at it.

Evening Gretchen. The troll is indeed strong with this one. However, there are those evenings when you've just had a nice afternoon of rigging up a serious bit of carpentry in the back yard and you feel like landing a troll or two before turning in for the night. I'm not sure he's real, hence my laconic approach.

To produce the wealth in the first place. MWAHAHA ? Umm.... really, I produce a ton of wealth. My wee, tiny, pathetic ladybrain made my company 3.2 million US last year, in a scientific field. So how much did you make?

"Being treated equally means a man has the right to hit me."

Yup, any man. (although respect for him being a vet, my dude was a tank commander in peace time for a bit and that was terrifying enough!!) I'm so glad to have moved to Sweden where a dude with a BabyBjörn is A1 normality, no questions asked. Kudos to you both - babs will benefit from the care from his/her papa AND

Yes! Indeed. Humour and respect the whole way! I am happy for you lea NJAWB, that you had great parents - we are very priveliged growing up in the West, I think we often don't realise how different things are in a lot of the world. Thank you for bringing your perspective.

I know, one should not nourish ze trolls.... but I just finished my book and a nice bit of carpentry on the back yard...and I enjoy a cheeky bit of internet sparring. He is indeed a attentionwhore (ooopsie! only ladies can be whores....amirite??) Seriously though, why on earth wander over to Jez if you have that kind

Men are men, and women are women? That's like saying "well, fire should be hot and steel should have various torsive properties." What about those who aren't straight?

Good on you ma'am. The other side of misgynist crap is that is takes away from men who want to be, and are, great caregivers. Congrats on your newborn!

For summer solstice, we have a TON of fun. There's a nativity peak 9 mo after. But then, we are but a poor, insignficant, feminist nation. Where..oh, men have a ton of sexy sex becuase women love men who respect them. Yay!

Oh I don't know. I'm having rather a jolly time parrying with one. I think I'm winning.

Well then do pardon us as you spread your ineffable wisdom to our poor, tiny lady-brains.

Where do you live now? US or EU ?