
Sort of, yeah! Except you don’t have to wash off tornado or worry about the tornado on your clothing giving you radiation sickness.

You do know that school libraries in poor neighborhoods aren’t tech centers right? You also know that not everyone lives within walking, or even driving, distance of a public library right? You also know that to get into college you first have to pass grade school, junior high and high school right?

no one in their right mind would ever fuck them?

Spencer did nazi that coming....

Welcome back, Leo! ^_^ You’ve been missed.

I hate when these people start rioting and destroying their own neighborhoods...

God, no, leave him be. I love watching them caricature themselves.

Cite something, anything.

...but what has trump said about the issue?

Kate McKinnon is an openly LGBT woman, and one could argue that the rhetoric of the Trump/alt-right has been more vitriolic towards those folks (actually, one hardly has to argue the point as there’s already some discussion about going after gay marriage in some circles). So no, I think Kate was the perfect choice.

Shock is a luxury. No time for luxury anymore. Time to organize, protest, volunteer.

C’mon man, that’s not fair. Sox fans can’t write.

That’s why we need to focus all our efforts into using the power of Greyskull.


“Maricopa County”

The point is that the article is addressing the much larger group of Christians that are constantly pushing an agenda where not being Christian, and especially not be religious makes you an immoral heathen. You don't get props for being a decent person, bc that's what you're supposed to be. By trying to get snaps for