
@HK-47: Heeeelll YEAH!. lol

what happened to this company? seriously? they criticized apple way back.. but now.. whose having the last laugh..

i still have to read a book.. but i see your point.. for me it has always been about price. I believe in what Amazon is doing.. Apple's just going the publishers way just to get market share

i thought coca cola was black?

@NocturNoah: yeah, i think this whole upgrade every 2 years is BS.. they should do minor upgrades every 2 years, and maybe a major one every 4? doesnt that make sense?


Shit happens to everyone.. in his case.. its 10 x worse!

I think this guy needs to step down. he's been there too long. And like everything else.. this game needs a change!

@ehed: hey, how do you get the battery % to show up?

@Odin: netbooks suck.. Windows doesnt!

YES YES YES!.. hehehe.. screw you Goggles!. :P

ok someones gotta tell me howto take a proper picture.. cause nothing i take ever looks that good.

@Mark3: thanks.. was aimlessly gonna buy that just now

@WestwoodDenizen: thats awesum. I wish google navigation would come to the iPhone


@orphic1: @droopter: @orphic1: @andrew_berge: @PoG: @Realityism: Disregard everything I'm about to say: @orphic1:

Could this be a plan by the foxconn employees to sabotage Apple's big event, so that next time they will choose a different manufacturer???

this is fucking aburd!..