
When was a RR ever understated? This brand has always been about a huge chrome grille, the spirit of ecstasy, huge, bloated cars.

Great update and I am looking forward to more!

Not compromised? Did you drive one of the first S? Felt like a Fisher Price car inside. And which company did they poach their interior designer from to fix that?

In theory, this is a great idea. And hadn’t the industry set out to develop their own stuff already - zip zap zoom lovers in Norway are getting 40 new EV models this year alone - it would be a good road to go down. Standardization is good. And I’d love replacement packs for cheap from AliExpress, halfway filled with

Well, no, because in a functioning economy ANY job pays enough for your time to be worth it living from. You will not need "a little extra money", no matter if your full time job is being a teacher, cashier or a "gig".

Very interesting reply, almost like [pick one] investigative journalist going into a business to study it from the inside. The US economy is broken in a gazillion ways, but living wages would really be a good place to start. 

I like your posts, Tom, but you cannot throw out one of these existential car buying questions with a non-answer. Of course, "more variables", but we want to see data, graphs, charts and insight we do not already have.

Oh, I remember this concept, alright. It’s awesome. The Izh and Moskovich cars are legendary and still everywhere to be seen. In the GDR, a 412 was about the only car you could buy without a waiting time though. Which is all you need to know about quality. The rear springs were so tense, they would try to kill you by

> NOMI system, which was billed as in-car artificial intelligence. Basically, it would recognize voice commands but is purported to make your driving experience more enjoyable. It looks kind of cute, so I could see it.

Such a tempting "join the dark side"-move. Almost didn't see that evil smirk when you said something about 30 minutes that are worth my time.

Where do these people get their inspiration for ads from? The Simpsons? Crack dreams?

Yet, they’re only comparing the new car prices to lightly used, 1-2 yo cars. If you’re shopping smartly, you’re going for a good car just out of warranty, and that would be 5 yo. How does that change the equation?

EVs are the common choice here in Norway and when the e came out, my wife and I were interested in it. The looks are perfect, the turning circle is 4.3m (!), and it’s a quality vehicle, you’d assume.

*While current electric cars generally do not make battery replacement easy or convenient or even affordable, it’s still possible*

Yeah, that paragraph was an inch away from involving flux capacitors. Great concept, still!

Hot damn is that a gorgeous car. Throw in a couple of harbour freight engines and you're good to go.

Thanks for the correction. Still, the OPC van is everything worth remembering about the Zafira. It's a hoot and core Jalopnik.

How can you mention the Zafira without talking about the OPC version? Tis a Jalop dream!

Here in Norway, people start cars at these temperatures all winter, and not every time do you have access to block heaters or engine warmers. This is me after a night at -22°C, the biggest issue at those temperatures are batteries. Proper oil does the job just fine.