Kinja's main mission is population control: Only those really enthusiastically engaged with content can be bothered to put up with it.
Kinja's main mission is population control: Only those really enthusiastically engaged with content can be bothered to put up with it.
You’re just wrong:
Opportunity missed to explain how Ferrari adds a Trabant worth of power...
Browsers crashes, autoplay videos above the videos you actually want to see, half-page blockers with content users *knowingly* scroll past, the need to manually load comments, no proper way to sort comments, disincentivising new comments above a certain threshhold by hiding them in an abyss of irrelevance...Kinja has…
I finally bought myself an exotic car again in May, after ten years with sensible vehicles in the driveway. I had forgotten how expensive this hobby is.
Things change. Imagine you had made a countercyclical investment and bought auto and tire stock in April. Then you would be confused and rich now. The best kind of confused.
Kepp It Classy for president!
Fun facts from Norway: Over 50% of new cars are EVs due to heavy subsidies, but there’s an end in sight and I’m not sure how that will work out once the “no tax”-system and other goodies run out. New car taxes of different flavours add ~100% to a new car’s price.
My 2003 Centennial has both a cassette and a CD player.
The “gigapress” reminds me of how Trabant made its cotton-and-glue-based body. Starts here in the video (but the whole thing is interesting):
Have you been following EVs? We have an 8 yo Leaf at >80% capacity, bought cheaply 16 months ago. Battery failures are not nearly as common as people expected. And with longer production runs, people are replacing old batteries with newer ones found in crashed cars at the junker, for little money. I know of several…
240s have been going up in price for a decade. Seems slightly expensive to me, too, but thinking about it, it's really not bad.
The Outlander PHEV was early to the plug in game, which is hard to fathom today. In Norway, it still sells ok - for us, it's a huge car, on a slim budget. It's not really bad either, kind of Opel levels of reliability and features, just even cheaper.
Whut? You're not really in Sweden, are you?
Would have been good in 1990...
Wait out the crisis, put it on and watch the price of this coffee table piece soar.
“Do you have anything in your garage that is not a relationship red flag?”
My garage was designed for a Beetle. I can get the Camry inside and do an oil change, but I barely get in and out. My Centennial...I don’t know if I dare trying.
The Freedom To Not Fly Under Bridges Act says so*.
Nissan can't keep up with demand for the Frontier? What is this, 2005?