
Talking about relaxing; follow your own advice. I don’t look down on everybody. My little sentence above was a boiled down amazement at how making an EV *worse* is almost guaranteed to *increase* its sales. As I said, you increase its weight and wind drag by lifting the thing up. Every early 1990s car has the riding

What high belt line?

You can’t explain the entire SUV craze with replacement hips. Historically, it’s about “lifestyle”, the imagination city dwelling marketing folks bring to an idea of free-spirited driving. That's why technology doesn't matter either. 

After having experienced the build and material quality of Nissan once, I thought I’d never buy one again. Then we realized what a value proposition the Leaf was, as a used car. It has been a very good purchase for us - the Leaf is the “good enough”-EV.

The Beetle is about the least safe car I can imagine, too. I saw a 1950s publication once that I can’t find now, where a 1948 Volvo PV444 and a similar vintage Beetle were crashed. The former had a safety cage, belts, an idea about steering column collapse, dashboard padding and safety glass - the VW none. It was

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What is the first factory usage of LED lights in cars? Doug DeMuro mentioned the blinkers on my Centennial as one of the first applications ever, but I’d like to be certain. Similar to this one:

Couldn't have imagined much of a worse fit than Brad Pitt and a Corolla.

Lainbow Mountain? 🤪

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Only in America do people sue each other and companies beyond what common sense dictates isn’t a feature. Your warning labels are a delight to read for foreigners, and I'm not even talking about hot coffee yet.

No space for a proper photo of the Silverado, but you can have not one but two autoplay crapshoots in every. single. article?

When antilock brakes were a new-ish feature in the 80s, some carmakers would have a little “ABS”-sticker boasting about it. The dumbest carmakers would have an “ABS system”-sign though...

Imagine how good Jeeps will be in 2033!

I tried to configure it into a Volvo V90 and an eight month around the world trip, but didn’t find the right buttons.

Oisann, when did you get to know me Relax and have a nice day. Save that heart attack for another decade.

Direct sunlight = mid day.

A neighbour showed his new car on Facebook. Couldn't help myself and congratulated with a car that was so big, it wouldn't even fit in a picture.

Thank you, this deserves a gazillion stars. You wrote the actual article. And Jnik now has these autostart videos that aren’t even the videos they talk about, and which will block the text I am trying to read while I scroll. Can't for the life of it understand why a blog is trying so hard to become a TV station

I am disgusted by Volvo's dismal placement. Sexy cars, yes. But...that's not good.

It's only in the US people drive towering vehicles that require ladders to get into. 

How brilliant is that? Can we have federal judges for president? Asking for a friend.