Dunno, the ports are correct. Always insert USB cables with the open half on top.
Dunno, the ports are correct. Always insert USB cables with the open half on top.
I get your points, and I also understand where you’re coming from. But believing in markets, I am also sceptical of buying products based on odd emotions like patriotism.
Why? If you support local “shite”, you’re enforcing your own areas incompetitiveness. These people could be building something much better, like cardboard toilets. In theory at least.
I thought Volvo was doing well?
He bought a Chrysler.
Excellent post. I haven’t figured that out yet myself, and I honestly doubt Cadillac folks have concluded. There was a period when everyone chased BMW, which I considered dumb. One of the companies who did that and then realized they have a history and a philosophy of their own is Volvo. They do really well now.…
When I went to Kyrgyzstan with a bunch of friends 2-3 years ago, we rented a huge Pajero that projected much the same authority on the road:
“We get that a lot" from a salesman...talk about meeting rock bottom in a sales career.
How do you even handle a 3 year old new car? Change all fluids, maybe the tires, check the seals. And if it has been moved, one has to assume that's by the shop's mechanics, racing the car to lunch on a cold engine? Darts with traumas.
Will there be racing with batterytrailers?
Next up: Oil leak simulators.
The internet will spot your location on the trip to Moab by the red lines on Google Maps. Still, with a poetic twist later on, all will be forgiven.
Imagine getting passed by one of these on a freeway ramp. In your Hellcat. By a five year old girl with sunglasses.
Srsly, you can call something “cult underwear” with a straight face?
Srsly, you can call something “cult underwear” with a straight face?
To non-Americans of my generation, these cars are iconic. Hollywood exposed us to them in our formative years, and even I - who should know better - expect a Caprice like that to survive harsh driving, rollovers, and bullet crossfires like nothing else. Instead, it is just a beautifully cubist crapcan.
Prestige, rarity, honesty, decent price? Noble M600!
I have a 2001 Honda Stream minivan with the 1.7 litre engine. It’s underpowered, thus I drive pretty much binary for a lot of the time. When trying to preserve fuel over a couple of fillings by driving more careful, I can save 15-20%. That is nothing compared to more powerful cars I have owned, which could be within…
Because they pretend to be something they're not, in the most cringeworthy way they could come up with. It's equal parts sad and hilarious.